Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 443 I want to bet on Lan Yao to win 5

Chapter 443 I want to bet on Lan Yao to win 5
"Slash with the sword!" There was a loud roar from the arena, and a silver light bloomed, stimulating everyone's eyes.

Zhang Zhiwei's broadsword turned into a giant knife with a silver light shining, and fell on the top of Lan Yao's head.

Lan Yao lifted her eyes from the corner of her mouth and looked at the knife above her head. A challenging smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She opened her hands and spun on the spot. Green ribbon-like auras appeared around Lan Yao, forming a vortex.

"Swish, swish..." Lan Yao was surrounded by a green circular vortex, and clusters of leaves flew out of the vortex, rushing towards Zhang Zhiwei's sword.

There was a loud noise in the sky, "Bump..." In an instant, the dust was flying.

Zhang Zhiwei was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Lan Yao was standing there safe and sound, and his knife had been resolved, he was shocked.

"How is this possible?" Zhang Zhiwei muttered, staring at Lan Yao with wide eyes.

Not only Zhang Zhiwei didn't believe it, even the whole venue didn't believe it was true.

Really, Lan Yao caught Zhang Zhiwei's trick so easily, right?

"Am I dreaming? Yes, I must be dreaming!"

"Lan Yao managed to resolve Zhang Zhiwei's trick so easily!"

"Oh my God, I'm going to faint, what the hell is going on!"

"Who the hell is this guy? Is this guy deliberately looking for excitement for us?"

"Bang bang..."

A group of low-talented practitioners were shocked by the perverted Lan Yao and fell to the ground and fainted, and some even fainted from vomiting blood.

Li Qingfeng supported his forehead with his hand, and leaned half on Hai Jun's body, "No, no, no, I'm going to faint!"

"Damn, this Lan Yao is...too perverted!" Tian Wenjin jumped up angrily, pointing at Lan Yao and yelling.

Although he bet on Lan Yao to win, the result was too difficult for him to accept, at least it made Lan Yao a little difficult, right?

How perverted is this Lan Yao, how enchanting is her talent!

The young leaders of several legions have always claimed to be geniuses, but compared with Lan Yao, they are really more popular than others.

Hai Jun crossed his arms and smiled wryly. He didn't expect Lan Yao to become more and more perverted now, even more perverted than he imagined.

Looking at Lan Yao's profile at this time, it seems that she has seen the dawn of victory. At this time, she is a king.

"Alas!" Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei's attack was of no use to Lan Yao, Wang Qiyi could only shake his head regretfully.

Cao Xiaojie and Wang Qiyi, masters of the Xuanwu Kingdom, were also completely defeated by Lan Yao's abnormality.

I didn't expect Lan Yao to be able to return to the whole body in such a situation without any injuries. How abnormal is her talent?

If it wasn't for the inspection by Baihu Kingdom yesterday, they would really have to inspect Lan Yao to see if this guy was cheating.

Seeing how frustrated the two masters of Xuanwu Kingdom were, Wu Zhuipeng and Wang Man were very satisfied.

Sure enough, Lan Yao's abnormality has hit the two masters of Xuanwu Kingdom.

They were stimulated a lot yesterday, and today it's Xuanwu Kingdom's turn. They really feel like they are in the same boat, and I understand their feelings.

Several masters looked at the proud Han Feilong with inexplicable and astonished faces.

Seeing the smug smile on Han Feilong's face, a group of people wanted to go up and beat him up, and felt that he was very indecent when they saw his smile.

Feeling a strong gaze, Han Feilong turned his head to glance at the crowd, and touched his nose in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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