Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 445 I want to bet on Lan Yao to win 7

Chapter 445 I want to bet on Lan Yao to win 7
Meng Donghang also nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, Haijun, do you want to be alone! No, you will share all your winnings with us!"

"It's really not enough loyalty. Anyway, we have known each other for so many years!" Shen Zhaofeng cried out very unhappy.

The corner of Hai Jun's mouth twitched. These guys are simply bandits. How could they rob like this?
Now he really hoped that Lan Yao would not win.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a deafening bombing sound from the arena.

Zhan Yun and the others stopped even the players who were competing, and turned their heads to look at the fifth ring.

And they could only see the faint figure of Lan Yao, but it was soon shrouded in dust.

Everyone is looking forward to who will win and whether Zhang Zhiwei has anything to do.

The people not far from the arena were also covered in dust. In order to see the figures on the arena as soon as possible, they all immediately shone with dust.

But there were still constant explosions in the arena, making everyone tremble with fear. The entire arena seemed to be a field of mines, erupting in an instant.

Yuan Hao blinked his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he saw the two people in the dust clearly.

Seeing that Lan Yao was safe and sound, Yuan Hao also heaved a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Lan Yao is now giving himself more and more face.

That being the case, I don't have to worry too much about anything.

After a while, the sound of the explosion finally stopped gradually, and the dust also used the sky, and as time went by, the dust also dissipated.

Seeing Lan Yao and Zhang Zhiwei on the stage, everyone was shocked, their mouths opened wide and their eyes widened.

" is this possible!"

"No way? Is mine a dream? It must be a dream!"

"God, I can't do it, I'm going to faint!"

"Bang bang bang..."

Sure enough, everyone looked at Zhang Zhiwei on the ring, standing staggeringly on the ring with a look of distress.

A long silk and satin dress has turned into a beggar's clothes at this time, it is dilapidated, his face is covered with dust, and his appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Zhang Zhiwei covered his arm with his hand, stared at Lan Yao viciously, grinning and frowning, all in pain.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lan Yao's mouth, Zhang Zhiwei is really amazing, he survived his own trick, he is really worthy of participating in the competition!

However, I have also controlled my power. If I use all my power, it will really turn Zhang Zhiwei into ashes.

Zhang Zhiwei couldn't hold it anymore, he swayed and knelt on the ground on one knee, gasping for breath.

"My God, how is this possible!"

"Did Lan Yao really win?"

"No way? Didn't Lan Yao defeat Pan Yunxi by luck?"

"Another peak warrior! A perverted evildoer who can't be more perverted!"

"Fortunately, my heart can bear it, otherwise I would really be pissed off!"


However, there were also some people who were carried out and completely fainted by Lan Yao's abnormality.

Zhan Yun and other contestants who participated in the competition sat down on the ground, staring at Lan Yao with wide eyes in disbelief.

How perverted is this Lan Yao, and how powerful is she!
To be able to defeat Lan Yao so easily, could it be that he is inferior to Wu Zun?

For a moment, everyone was thinking of Feifei and felt dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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