Chapter 447
Yuan Hao walked up to Lan Yao with a smile and nodded.

Xiaoguai happily ran up to Lan Yao and hugged her leg, "Mother is so amazing, mother hugs me!"

"Little guy, he's clingy!" Lan Yao shook her head helplessly, and hugged Xiaoguai in her arms.

The little boy excitedly rubbed his face against Lan Yao, "Mother, you don't even know, mother was so handsome just now! It's so cool! Mother is always the best! No one can compare to mother !"

Lan Yao grew up excited, looking at Xiaoguai's proud face, as if he had won the competition.

Yuan Hao stared fiercely at the little girl in Lan Yao's arms, to be so bold, to cling to Lan Yao so much in front of his eyes, he was simply tired of life.

Xiaoguai hides in Lan Yao's arms in fear, this bad father, really, is just jealous, he can't let Xiaoguai hug him!

Yuan Hao pulled Xiaoguai out of Lan Yao's arms, let him stand beside Lan Yao, and put his arms around Lan Yao's shoulders.

This funny thing is only seen by Lan Yao, the others can't see it at all.

Zhang Zhiwei walked down with someone's support, looking at Lan Yao beside him, he could only lower his head.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, Lan Yao showed a smile and nodded towards him. This guy is quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

Pan Yunxi smiled slightly, and sighed, "Lan Yao, I have completely convinced you today, you are really strong!"

"Where is it! It's just that you all let me go!" Lan Yao shook her head and said modestly.

Xiaoguai immediately pouted her little mouth in dissatisfaction, "That's not it, it's mother who is powerful, you are too weak, if Xiaoguai goes up, I will definitely beat you all to the ground!"

"Slap!" Lan Yao slapped Xiao Guai on the head.

"Ah! Mother, why are you beating my little boy! It hurts so much!" Xiaoguai covered her head and yelled innocently at Lan Yao.

Lan Yao looked at Xiaoguai with threatening eyes, "Speak nonsense!"

"Hmph!" Xiaoguai turned her head dissatisfied, and puffed her little mouth, "Mother doesn't like Xiaoguai anymore, don't Xiaoguai anymore, Xiaoguai will become an orphan in the future, no one loves Xiaoguai, okay pitiful……"

Listening to Xiaoguai's complaints, a group of people were a little ashamed. Is this little guy a human or a monster?How old?
Lan Yao smiled embarrassingly, quickly pushed Xiaoguai's back, and left.

Luo Tongjie was no stranger to it. This little guy was extremely smart, but he really couldn't imagine that this little guy would have such intelligence. He couldn't see it at all.

In Qilin Kingdom, although this little guy is called Xiaoguai, he is a complete little devil, and they all want to run away when they see him.

Strange to say, they clearly felt that Xiaoguai was not a monster at all, but he escaped at a speed that even Han Feilong and the others could not catch up with, so this made everyone very puzzled.

In the end, they learned that this little guy was hatched from an egg that Lan Yao accidentally got from a cave, and they didn't know what to say.

"This little guy, you're making trouble for your mother!" Yuan Hao shook his head helplessly.

"Then quickly take him away! Stay by my side, aren't you afraid of being jealous?" Lan Yao rolled her eyes at Yuan Hao, and asked who sent this little devil to her.

Yuan Hao smiled awkwardly, touched his nose, "Okay, Yao'er, don't be angry, I..."

Suddenly Yuan Hao stopped talking halfway, looked up at the sky, and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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