Chapter 451
As he spoke, he took out a long sword that was also the size of a toy and put it in Lan Yao's hand.

Lan Yao blinked her eyes, looked at these two things, "Only these two?"

"Well, as long as you inject spiritual power!" Liu Qingfeng immediately nodded proudly.

"Please, I'm still the Houtian Huang rank now!" Lan Yao shouted at Liu Qingfeng very unhappy.

Looking at the shield and sword in Lan Yao's hands, Han Feilong and Liu Yiqun were dumbfounded.

What kind of weapon is this?fairy artifact?Artifact?None of them dared to imagine that something that was impossible to appear on their plane actually appeared.

Weapons that need to be infused with spiritual energy don't even use fairy weapons, so what level of weapon is that?

Liu Qingfeng suddenly felt ashamed, touched his nose, held a lot of spirit stones and put them in Lan Yao's hands, "These are spirit stones, I gave them to you, just absorb the spirit energy of these spirit stones Driven!"

The corner of Lan Yao's mouth twitched slightly, this guy is really a prodigal.

"Aren't you afraid that if you are innocent, you will be guilty?" Lan Yao asked Liu Qingfeng a little depressed.

Liu Qingfeng frowned, and said coldly, "Whoever dares to covet these things, don't think that I am not number one..."

Before Liu Qingfeng finished speaking, Lan Yao reached out and covered Liu Qingfeng's mouth.

"Okay, don't talk about it!" Lan Yao quickly reminded Liu Qingfeng, this guy actually said that he is not a person from the first plane, if others know, then it's okay.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of Liu Qingfeng's mouth, he had never been so close to Lan Yao before.

Lan Yao's body was filled with fresh fragrance, and she couldn't remember how long she hadn't smelled such a familiar fragrance.

"Take these back, and give me the worst thing on your body!" Lan Yao gave Liu Qingfeng a blank look, and returned the things to him, "Like a spirit weapon or something!"

Liu Qingfeng looked extremely aggrieved, looked at the things in his hand, "The worst thing about me is this magic weapon!"

Helpless, who made Lan Yao say that!Liu Qingfeng could only give Lan Yao the most inconspicuous sword on his body.

The corners of Lan Yao's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Liu Qingfeng's long sword.

"Who is this? Why are there so many good things about him?"

"An artifact! The worst thing is an artifact, my God! Do you want to hit people like this!"

"My god! This is really a magic weapon! It's still the worst!"

"Is this guy trying to get mad? Why don't you be so ruthless!"


Listening to Liu Qingfeng's words, everyone immediately fell to the ground spurting blood, what?The worst swords are artifacts?Do you want to hit people like this?
Seeing the grievance on Liu Qingfeng's face, it was he who made them spurt blood, and this guy showed such an expression, it was simply pissed off.

Lan Yao stepped on Liu Qingfeng's foot in dissatisfaction, tilted her head angrily and walked inside.

Liu Qingfeng covered his screams, jumped and shouted, "Yao'er, you are so cruel, what should I do if my foot is broken!"

Han Feilong and the others looked at Liu Qingfeng in astonishment, what kind of cultivation is this guy?Isn't this person from the first plane?No way?
No way?How could Lan Yao know the people above?
Thinking of Liu Qingfeng's powerful force when he deterred Chen Qing, even Han Feilong and the others were frightened just because of his aura, what a powerful force it must be.

"Yao'er, wait for me!" Liu Qingfeng saw Lan Yao go far away, and hurriedly followed her, regardless of her own feet.

(End of this chapter)

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