Chapter 454
"Liu Qingfeng!" Lan Yao gritted her teeth and looked at Liu Qingfeng.

"Yao'er, what's wrong with you? I...did I do something wrong again?" Liu Qingfeng asked aggrievedly after being stared at by Lan Yao.

"You're trying to make trouble for me, aren't you?" Lan Yao clenched her fists angrily, "My opponent is him! You even helped him break through! I'm so mad!"

"Don't worry, I know, but I cast a curse on him. After the match with you, as long as he says that I admit defeat, he will be able to obtain Wu Zun's cultivation!" Liu Qingfeng quickly explained to Lan Yao.

He doesn't want Lan Yao to be angry, and, of course, he doesn't want Lan Yao to have trouble.

Lan Yao glanced at Wu Jianzhong, and suddenly, Wu Jianzhong yelled, "Eh? What's going on? Why do I only have the low-rank cultivation of Wu Zun?"

"Eh..." Everyone glanced at Wu Jianzhong in astonishment, then turned to look at Liu Qingfeng.

Who the hell is this guy, who can be so powerful, help Wu Jianzhong break through, and can also control Wu Jianzhong's power. He has already broken through the middle-rank Wu Zun's cultivation base, but now he has returned to the low-rank cultivation base.

Lan Yao felt a headache. Is this person really one of the top experts?God, is there any more mental retardation?

Wu Jianzhong clenched his fists, extremely dissatisfied, "Why is my cultivation level only inferior to Wu Zun's!"

Liu Qingfeng looked at Wu Jianzhong coldly, "I accidentally hurt you before, now I will help you heal the injury, and I will compensate you by the way, don't push yourself too far!"

Seeing Liu Qingfeng's threatening eyes, Wu Jianzhong shrank his neck, feeling very afraid in his heart.

Although Liu Qingfeng helped him break through, after all, he was looking at Lan Yao's face, and he didn't want her to think she was cheating because Liu Qingfeng hurt him.

It was a gift from Lan Yao that he could also accept the top-rank Martial Master, so Wu Jianzhong nodded tactfully.

Ignoring Wu Jianzhong who was a blessing in disguise, Liu Qingfeng supported Lan Yao and comforted him, "Yaoer, don't be angry, okay?"

"You...go over there!" Lan Yao watched Haijun and the others walk over with Xiaoguai, and ordered.

"Mother!" Xiaoguai was stunned when she saw Liu Qingfeng, and quickly ran towards Lan Yao coquettishly.

Lan Yao touched the little boy who was hugging her leg, "Little slob!"

"I'm not a slob!" Xiaoguai, you looked at your little mouth, and turned to look at Liu Qingfeng, "Mother, why is this bad guy here!"

Lan Yao glanced at Liu Qingfeng and persuaded, "Okay, little boy, don't talk nonsense! Do you understand?"

"Oh!" Xiaoguai still stared fiercely at Liu Qingfeng, threatening, "Mother is Xiaoguai's!"

"Stinky boy, you are so courageous!" Liu Qingfeng cursed secretly in his heart, this bastard actually left his son by Lan Yao's side on purpose, because he was afraid that he would come close to Lan Yao while he was away, so he did it Let Xiaoguai stay by Lan Yao's side.

"Little... Xiaoguai wants to protect mother, and when Xiaoguai grows up, I will beat you down!" Xiaoguai held her little fist and demonstrated.

"Okay, little boy, stop arguing!" Lan Yao hurriedly persuaded little girl, "Little boy, can you take uncle to the auditorium?"

"Why? Xiaoguai wants to be with mother!" Xiaoguai looked at Lan Yao with tears in his eyes, their expressions were as pitiful as they were about to be abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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