Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 470 Accidentally Breakthrough 3

Chapter 470 Accidentally Breakthrough 3
Once again, the competition was in full swing. Lan Jinling and Zhan Yun were fighting in full swing, while other competitions were also fierce battles.

Today is the last game to enter the final list. For many people, it is very important.

"Come on, uncle! Come on, uncle!" Xiao Guai clenched her fist and shouted excitedly at Lan Jinling.

Because it was not Lan Yao's turn to compete in the ring at this time, Xiao Guai transferred the object of encouragement to Lan Jinling. Anyway, Lan Jinling was his uncle.

"Look at this kid's talent is really good!" Liu Qingfeng smiled and nodded. As a ten thousand year old monster, how could he not see Lan Jinling's talent?
"Of course, that's Xiaoguai's uncle!" Xiaoguai immediately raised his chin triumphantly, as if he was the one who stood on the ring and was praised by Liu Qingfeng.

Liu Qingfeng looked at the proud little boy, and pampered the tip of his nose, it was so cute.

Xiaoguai knocked Liu Qingfeng off and said, complaining, "Oh, don't touch Xiaoguai's nose indiscriminately, it will disfigure her. If Xiaoguai can't find her daughter-in-law in the future, mother will avenge Xiaoguai!"

Liu Qingfeng suddenly had black lines all over his head, thinking about marrying his daughter-in-law at such a young age.

While everyone was watching the battle between Lan Jinling and Zhan Yun intently, the two of them had already used their unique moves and did not back down.

And Lan Jinling was also in a state of breaking through, his whole body was full of strength, and he was about to break through.

Zhan Yun narrowed his eyes, looking at Lan Jinling floating in mid-air.

"No way?" Zhan Yun looked at Lan Jinling in disbelief. He was looking forward to it, but he couldn't stop Lan Jinling's breakthrough.

At this time, besides Zhan Yun, everyone else saw Lan Jinling's abnormal behavior.

"Second Ao!"

"Nima, is it true or false?"

"No way?"

"Breakthrough? Is he going to break through the mysterious rank?"

"My God, Xuanjie! Is it really going to break through?"

"I have a heart, a liver, a spleen, a lung, and a kidney. It is already abnormal enough to jump from the peak of the Martial God to the peak of the Martial God. Now I have to jump to the Xuan level, which makes people alive!"

"No, no, no, I'm going to faint!"

"It's true that people are more popular than dead people!"

"No one in the Lan family is normal, they are all evildoers and perverts! My God, you don't take such partiality!"


There was another burst of exclamations, complaints, envy and other complex emotions from the venue.

Their mood at this moment can no longer be described in words.

Lan Yao stroked her chin, looked at Lan Jinling who broke through, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although I asked Liu Qingfeng to help Lan Jinling break through, after all, it still depends on Lan Jinling's own efforts. Lan Jinling has two attributes, and it is also the attribute of water and wood.

It was just an opportunity for Liu Qingfeng to help Lan Jinling, but unexpectedly, he also produced a 21-year-old mysterious master.

Entering the Xuan rank is a great Fengshui spirit for a martial artist at the peak of Wuzun. Entering the Xuan rank means that he has changed from a martial artist to a spiritual practitioner. very different.

Therefore, Lan Jinling at this moment is also extremely important, as long as he can break through to the Xuan level, he can become a master of Xuan Zhe.

(End of this chapter)

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