Chapter 472
Following Lan Jinling's success in breaking through the Profound Rank, Zhan Yun also willingly conceded defeat after a few moves against Lan Jinling, and there were three people entering the final match in the No. [-] ring.

Lan Jinling has successfully entered the finals, and Lan Yao's fighting spirit has also been aroused.

Even Lan Jinling entered the finals, how could he be eliminated?

"Zhang Jianing, let's start our match!" Lan Yao said with a slight smile.

Zhang Jianing nodded, and said, "I'm not Wu Jianzhong, so I won't fall into your tricks. How about we have a real fight?"

"Then I'll stay with you to the end!" Lan Yao was planning to do just that. After these few days of fighting, she had already gained a lot of experience, so she shouldn't have too many problems fighting Zhang Jianing again.

The match between Lan Yao and Zhang Jianing is about to begin.

Lan Jinling's successful entry into the final surprised everyone, even the people in Qilin Kingdom.

All the elders of Qilin Kingdom shook their heads and sighed, "It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!"

"I remember that Lan Jinling seemed to be at the peak of the Martial God! How come he reached the peak of the Martial God so quickly, and even broke through to the Xuan rank in the competition!"

"Oh, it's so perverted, it's so popular!"

"This Lan Yao and Lan Jinling are brother and sister, right? The Lan family specializes in perverted monsters!"

"It seems that the world is going to be a sensation again!"

"These two brothers and sisters are both perverted geniuses and monsters, so why don't we let us live!"


Looking at Lan Yao in the arena, the elders of Qilin Kingdom all had a proud smile on their lips. This is a student of their own academy, how could they not be proud?
Just as everyone was discussing Lan Jinling, there was a deafening bombing sound from the fifth ring, and all eyes were shifted to the fifth ring.

Lan Yao and Zhang Jianing turned into two beams of light and shadows passing by and intersecting on the ring.

Sure enough, a master Wu Zun is a master Wu Zun, and he really shouldn't be underestimated.

He was able to defeat Chen Zhen's family before thanks to the Zhuge formation, but now he didn't set up a formation at the beginning of the game, so he could only be regarded as a tie with Zhang Jianing.

However, after a long time, Lan Yao is still obviously a little behind.

Lan Yao slid back a few steps with her feet close to the ground, stabilized her body with one hand on the ground, and looked up at Zhang Jianing.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Jianing's mouth, and he stepped on the ground with his feet, and his whole body was like a sharp arrow, straight towards Lan Yao.

Lan Yao sneered, it is not so easy to defeat herself, moreover, it is impossible.

Standing up, Lan Yao closed her eyes and slowly opened her hands.

"Huh?" Zhang Jianing was taken aback, but he didn't think too much about it. He knew that no matter how abnormal Lan Yao's talent was, there was no chance of winning.

Seeing Lan Yao's strange posture, the group of people were extremely curious and puzzled.

Han Feilong stroked his chin proudly, he didn't expect Lan Yao to use Chaos Tai Chi so soon, it was a bit unexpected.

Regarding Chaotic Taiji, Han Feilong had also discussed with Lan Yao, and gave Lan Yao some things. After listening to Lan Yao's explanation of Chaos Taiji, Han Feilong believed that the level of this Chaos Taiji must have surpassed the heaven rank. You can feel the powerful power of the chaotic universe just by listening, let alone playing it out?
According to Lan Yao's instigation, I also practiced it myself, a little surprised, this Lan Yao is really talented, able to create such a powerful unique move.

(End of this chapter)

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