Chapter 485
Hai Jun looked at Lan Yao expectantly, "Lan Yao, look, we've known each other for so long, can you... can you let me touch it! Just a moment!"

"Then I'll give you the money! Don't you want gold coins? How about I give you five hundred gold coins? Let me touch them?" Hai Jun immediately forgot about the gold coins. Betting on Lan Yao, from beginning to end, as long as he wins, he will bet on Lan Yao again, so he has made millions of gold coins all at once, and he really doesn't care about these things.

Lan Yao gave Haijun a blank look, and immediately shook her head and refused, "Aren't you too picky? Take a look at five hundred gold coins, and touch them, how could it be five hundred! No way!"

"Then how can you let me touch it!" Hai Jun kept his eyes on the shield and never glanced at Lan Yao.

"Ten thousand! Ten thousand gold coins!" Lan Yao said with a smile while stretching out her finger.

"Ten thousand is ten thousand! Take it!" Hai Jun immediately threw ten thousand gold coins to Lan Yao, and then reached out to touch the shield with an excited expression on his face, "What a treasure!"

Seeing Hai Jun pay to touch the shield, Luo Tongjie and others certainly can't lag behind, isn't it just [-] gold coins?At that time, you can win by betting on Lan Yao or Lan Jinling.

Lan Yao's eyes glowed with gold, looking at the golden gold coins in front of her, she laughed triumphantly, she did not expect to get so many gold coins so quickly.

In a corner of the box, a group of people fought around a small shield. It was very lively and fun.

Xiaoguai watched so many people "playing games", how could he be missing?So, Ba Zui joined their ranks, "Uncle, I want to play, I want to play, too!"

Ouyang Yu didn't dare to go forward, these people's cultivation bases were much higher than his own, and he was not suitable for fighting, so let's forget about it.

Xiaoguai excitedly snatched the shield from Cai Mingcai, and threw it away excitedly.

"Little boy, don't run away, we haven't finished watching yet!" Seeing Xiaoguai running away, Xu Zhiwen and others hurriedly yelled.

Xiaoguai suddenly stopped, turned around and held the shield in his hand, a ray of light stimulated everyone's eyes.

"Ah! What light!" Luo Tongjie and others bumped into a metal object with a "bump".

Luo Tongjie and the others fell to the ground directly because something hit them in front of them, "Ah!"

Lan Yao opened her mouth, shook her head helplessly, and said, "This group of people!"

Liu Qingfeng touched his chin, looked at Xiaoguai, "This little guy is really extraordinary!"

"Huh?" Liu Qingfeng's words immediately shifted people's attention to Xiaoguai, and saw a copper iron bigger than him appearing in front of Xiaoguai. "Shield?"

"No way?" Hai Jun and the others looked at the shield in front of Xiao Guai in astonishment.

Xiaoguai showed his little head, looked at the shield in front of him, and complained, "It's such a big thing, Xiaoguai can hardly carry it anymore, it's not fun!"

With Xiaoguai's small body, how can he resist this shield?Although Xiaoguai's physique is unusual, but, after all, he is still a child, and this shield is bigger than them.

Lan Yao could only look at Xiaoguai's aggrieved appearance, and smiled helplessly. She didn't expect this little guy to be able to drive the shield.

(End of this chapter)

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