Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 488 The Holy Artifact, The Middle Finger Despises 1

Chapter 488 The Holy Artifact, The Middle Finger Despises 1
In order for this competition to go smoothly, there are also regulations in the rules, if there are mysterious masters in the process of participating in the competition, they must be allowed to compete in the top three at the end.

Therefore, although Lan Jinling entered the finals this time, he will not be eligible to play until the final top three.

With Lan Jinling excluded, only ten players including Lan Yao were left to start the competition.

In an instant, there was another wave of gambling in the entire casino, which was extremely lively.

Haijun brought Li Qingfeng and others to the casino early in the morning.

"By the way, Brother Hai, who are we going to bet on this time? The next game will be a bit mysterious!"

"Yes! Lan Yao, I must bet!"

"This time, Lan Yao's opponent is at least a high-rank Wu Zun! This Li Yidi also has certain strength!"

"Is Li Yidi from Xuanwu Kingdom?" Meng Donghang, Tian Wenjin, this person is from your country, can you tell me anything? "

"That's right, don't keep it private, tell me quickly!"

"Time is running short, the game will be played in two hours!"


A group of people turned their heads to look at the two of Meng Donghang and asked anxiously.

Meng Donghang stroked his chin, thinking, "This Li Yidi is the second and third expert in Xuanwu Kingdom. His strength should not be underestimated. I don't know if Lan Yao has this ability!"

Hai Jun waved his hand, and boldly pressed all the gold coins on Lan Yao, "I will press Lan Yao!"

Yesterday he saw that Lan Yao had an incredible treasure on her body, so he definitely stood by Lan Yao's side, and by the way, he also put all the gold coins that Lan Yao entrusted to him on her body.

Seeing Hai Jun so happy, a group of people look at me and I see you don't know what to say.

"Since brother Hai is also going to Lanyao, let's go too!" Looking at Hai Jun's firm eyes, everyone couldn't help but believe him.

Because only Haijun understands Lan Yao the most, and the abnormality shown by Lan Yao before is enough to make them drink a sip of cold water. Now thinking about the last battle against Zhang Jianing yesterday, Zhang Jianing's last move was powerful, but But it didn't affect Lan Yao at all. It must be that Hai Jun knew about the situation, and they still believed in Hai Jun.

"Brother Hai, we all believe in you!"

"Yes, yes! Brother Hai, do you know what magic weapon Lan Yao has or what else is hidden?"

Hai Jun glanced at the crowd, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he left the casino without saying a word, and his work has been completed.

Li Qingfeng and the others glanced at each other, and quickly chased after him, "Brother Hai, don't run away!"

Lan Yao and others got up early and arrived at the competition venue.

The playing field seemed to be more crowded than it was on the first day.

"Oh, it's finally the final!" Lan Yao stretched excitedly.

Luo Tongjie and others were behind, and said proudly, "Our Qilin Kingdom will definitely win this competition!"

After all, Lan Jinling was already a master of the Xuan rank, so, apart from a master of the Xuan rank, no one could defeat Lan Jinling.

"Lan Yao, I hope you will give us face, we fully support you!"

"That's right, Lan Yao, you must defeat Li Yidi on behalf of us!"

"Li Yidi is Wu Zun on the screen, you must be careful!"


Everyone supports Lan Yao and cares about Lan Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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