Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 493 The Holy Artifact, The Middle Finger Despises 6

Chapter 493 The Holy Artifact, The Middle Finger Despises 6
Lan Yao approached Li Yidi, and the small sword in his hand suddenly turned into a long sword with a ray of light.

The sudden attack made Li Yidi react and almost forgot to resist. With a "shua", Li Yidi's chest was scratched by Lan Yao's sword. Lan Yao took advantage of the victory to pursue and kicked Li Yidi's chest.

Li Yidi flew out, rolled a few times on the ground and stopped.

Lan Yao fell to the ground slowly, and pointed the tip of the sword sideways at Li Yidi.

"Boom!" Seeing the long sword full of spiritual energy in Lan Yao's hand, there was a cry of astonishment from the entire venue in an instant.

Lan Yao's soul-chasing sword was a fairy weapon before, but the level of this long sword is higher than that of the soul-chasing sword, which really made them unbelievable.

They didn't expect that Lan Yao had such a good sword, and the aura was even more compelling.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were full of envy and greed, wishing to snatch Lan Yao's sword away.

At first glance, Lan Yao's sword is not an ordinary sword at all, it is far more than a fairy weapon. Could it be a legendary artifact?Everyone is a burst of associations.

"This is... an artifact?"

"No way? This should be the legendary super artifact, right?"

"Impossible! How could there be a super artifact? It should be an artifact, right?"

"It's amazing, can't it really be a divine weapon?"

"Damn it, why do you give this Lan Yao all the good things, luck is too perverted!"


It is false not to be jealous, no one is not shocked by it,
Apart from Han Feilong and Liu Yiqun from the Qilin Kingdom, Wang Kehui and the others all looked at Lan Yao and the sword in Lan Yao's hand with bright eyes.

They could feel the aura on the sword, it was so strong, and they knew it was not an ordinary artifact at a glance.

Moreover, seeing that the sword had grown from a young age to a bigger one just now, a group of people racked their brains thinking, after all, they have seen a lot of things and have a lot of books, so they finally confirmed it.

"Ci'ao! It turned out to be a sacred weapon!" Zhang Jie suddenly patted the table and shouted.

"Saint artifact?"

Hearing Zhang Jie's words, everyone gasped. Could it really be a sacred weapon?

There are no artifacts on this first plane, so how could there be a sacred artifact?Absolutely impossible!

But who are Wang Qiyi and others, master Xuanzun, the strongest on the road, how could they not know about this sword?After listening to Zhang Jie's words, they also immediately understood why they felt something was wrong, that's why.

Only the holy artifact can be changed into the size of a small toy. Driving this sacred artifact requires a lot of spiritual power, so Xuanzun masters like them can only use it for the time of a cup of tea.

But looking at Lan Yao's appearance like this, they couldn't believe it at all, but then thought of it, since Lan Yao had the holy artifact, she must also have the spirit stone, and with the spirit stone, she could also drive the holy artifact.

Zhang Jie's cry was heard not only by the experts, but also by everyone on the field.

"No way? Hallows? True or false?"

"Is it really a sacred artifact? It can't be wrong, right?"

"Who is Zhang Jie, master Xuanzun, since he said it, it must be true!"

"But, I've never heard of a sacred artifact!"

"Who the hell is Lan Yao? How could there be a holy artifact!"

"Could it be that Lan Yao isn't from our plane? Did he come from above?"

"Yes, it is possible, otherwise who would have such a high talent!"

"The intention is to hit people!"


(End of this chapter)

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