Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 496 The Pervert Comes to Challenge 1

Chapter 496 The Pervert Comes to Challenge 1
The day's competition was finally over, and the final five players were Li Xing, Xu Liwei, Lan Yao, Zhan Yun, and Yuan Cheng.

It's just that Lan Yao stared at Zhan Yun fiercely, feeling very upset in her heart. The next match was between Yuan Cheng and Zhan Yun. If Zhan Yun lost to Yuan Cheng, wouldn't she have no chance to compete with him?That's why I can't teach him a good lesson!
Five people stood on the central ring, facing the speeches of the top ten masters.

Because the last champion was Qilin Kingdom, the person who spoke was also the Qilin Kingdom's turn.

Humphrey coughed, raised his chin triumphantly, and said, "Today's competition is over, tomorrow will be the top three competition, here I announce the tomorrow of tomorrow's competition, No. [-] ring Li Xing and Xu Liwei, No. [-] Arena Cloud and..."

"Wait..." Lan Yao quickly reached out to stop Han Feilong from speaking.

Han Feilong was a bit dissatisfied, and interrupted his majestic speech, but seeing that the person who raised his hand to stop was his precious apprentice, he smiled awkwardly, "Yaoer, what's the matter?"

"Um...Master, I want to ask, since it's a competition for the top five, am I going to have a bye?" Lan Yao pointed at herself and asked Han Feilong suspiciously.

Han Feilong nodded slightly and said, "Yes!"

Secretly admire Lan Yao's perverted luck in her heart, she has all kinds of good things, even good things like bye are her turn.

Lan Yao touched her chin and asked, "Master, can I switch with Senior Brother Yuan, and I will compete with Zhan Yun?"

With a "boom", the entire playing field suddenly felt a thunderbolt.

They thought they had just heard an auditory hallucination, or that they were dreaming.

Such a good opportunity, there is only one chance to get a bye, I didn't expect Lan Yao not to have this bye, can this not make them angry?

One by one cursed secretly in their hearts, Lan Yao, Lan Yao, you are too prodigal, you don't want such a good bye chance, you don't have to give it to me!
"This..." Han Feilong turned to look at the other masters suspiciously.

Zhang Jie and Wang Kehui from Qinglong Kingdom frowned, looking at the playful smile on Lan Yao's face, they were very upset.

Does Lan Yao want to defeat Zhan Yun?However, this is also impossible!Although he defeated Wu Zun Shangpin, Zhan Yun is the pinnacle of Wu Zun!
However, after thinking about it, Lan Yao has a holy weapon on her body, so they still don't want Lan Yao to compete with Zhan Yun, because they are afraid that Lan Yao has some other holy weapon on her body, which will be completely unfavorable to Zhan Yun ah.

"Lan Yao, although you gave up the chance to challenge Zhan Yun this time, it is up to Zhan Yun to decide whether you can challenge or not. Although there are regulations in the competition rules, if the bye is not willing to have a bye, he can challenge other cultivation bases at will. Players who are taller than me challenge, but they must also get the opponent's consent, Lan Yao, do you know?" Liu Yiqun reminded Lan Yao with concern.

Lan Yao nodded understandingly, and said, "Well, of course I know, so I just asked, can I switch with Senior Brother Yuan, I want to play with this Uncle Zhan!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Yao shifted her eyes to Zhan Yun, with a strong sense of mockery in her eyes.

Zhan Yun always felt guilty when he met Lan Yao's eyes, "Hey, what's wrong with me? Why am I guilty? Did I do something wrong? But no, I don't know Lan Yao, what did I do? Why don't you feel guilty!"

(End of this chapter)

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