Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 500 The Pervert Comes to Challenge 5

Chapter 500 The Pervert Comes to Challenge 5
"Hoo!" Lan Yao held a long sword and looked at Zhan Yun coldly.

Zhan Yun touched his nose in embarrassment, screaming innocence in his heart.

It seems that Lan Yao's hostility towards her is really deep, how to resolve it?

Zhan Yun raised his eyes and watched Lan Yao's lips move slightly, as if to say, "Kill you!"

"Eh..." Zhan Yun shook his head helplessly, seeing that Lan Yao had already attacked him.

Seeing the strange behavior of Zhan Yun and Lan Yao in the ring, everyone was puzzled.

"What's the matter?"

"What happened to Zhan Yun and Lan Yao?"

"Did the two of them know each other?"

"Could it be Zhan Yun who abandoned Lan Yao's sister?"

"No way? Seeing Lan Yao's attack is so ruthless, probably?"

"Oh, I don't understand anyway! This time the competition will definitely be thrilling!"


A group of people were curiously watching the battle between you and me in the ring, which was extremely lively.

Zhang Jianing stroked his chin, and curiously asked the people around him, "Brother Luo, this... why does the situation in this competition feel a little different!"

"I think so too! It's strange, why do I feel that Lan Yao is particularly ruthless!"

"That's right, I feel murderous all over my body! The moves are very spicy!"

"Sigh, I didn't expect Lan Yao to be so vicious! Fortunately, we didn't have any grudge against Lan Yao!"


"Ah!" Lan Yao charged towards Zhan Yun holding the long sword.

Zhan Yun also quickly took out his long sword to resist.


Zhan Yun quickly flew into the air, tiptoeing on each other, turning over in the air.

Lan Yao looked up at Zhan Yun, quickly raised her long sword, and rushed towards Zhan Yun in the sky.

"Ping pong pong..." The two swords clashed in the air, flashes of sword light flashed across the air.

Liu Qingfeng touched his chin, looked at Lan Yao's figure, and asked the little boy next to him suspiciously, "Little boy, what's wrong with your mother? I've never seen your mother so angry!"

"How does Xiaoguai know!" Xiaoguai puffed her mouth and complained.

Liu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows and blamed, "Didn't you stay by your mother's side all the time? How could you not know why your mother is angry?"

"My mother is my mother, my little boy is my little boy, don't tell me I'm going to follow my mother to the bathroom! Hmph!" Xiaoguai gave Liu Qingfeng a blank look, and said contemptuously.

Liu Qingfeng opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, "Little boy, you should also care about your mother, if your mother is so angry, she will definitely suffer!"

Xiaoguai glanced at Liu Qingfeng, then at Lan Yao, puffed out her little mouth, "I don't know, Xiaoguai, how could Xiaoguai know!"

"Useless little thing!" Liu Qingfeng cast a contemptuous glance at Xiaoguai.

"Xiaoguai is not a useless little thing, you are, a useless bad uncle!" Xiaoguai jumped up angrily, shouted at Liu Qingfeng, and kept hitting him with a pair of small hands.

Liu Qingfeng laughed and touched his chin, "Who made you so useless, you don't even know why your mother is angry!"

"Hmph, how could Xiaoguai know that Xiaoguai is not a roundworm in Mother's belly!" Xiaoguai tilted her head, looked at Lan Yao on the ring, held her fists, and shouted, "Mother! Come on dear! Come on..."

Liu Qingfeng smiled helplessly, and turned to look at Lan Yao on the ring. With his own ability, he could still help Lan Yao, but if he helped, Lan Yao would probably be angry with him. Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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