Chapter 505
Lan Yao's actions made everyone shake their heads helplessly, and they were also a little envious.

In fact, the reason why Lan Yao can lie on the toffee chair so comfortably and drink afternoon tea is because there are spirit stones that flow the breeze. What Lan Yao threw in the arena before was spirit stones. The power of the law can be given out continuously, and she doesn't need to expend energy there.

After all, Zhan Yun is not the peak of Xuanzun like Han Feilong and the others, but just Wu Zun. Even this spirit stone is enough to control Zhan Yun.

So, Lan Yao waited so comfortably, otherwise she would have exhausted her internal energy, how could she still be so leisurely?
At this time, Xu Liwei and Li Xing in the other arena had already decided the winner. Of course, Li Xing won, and anyone could guess it.

After their match was over, they ran over curiously when they saw that the match between Lan Yao and Zhan Yun was not yet over.

But looking at the situation in the arena, they were also shocked, and they opened their mouths in surprise, not knowing what to say.

"My God, what's going on?" Li Xing asked Lan Jinling and Yuan Cheng beside him in astonishment.

Yuan Cheng shrugged his shoulders slightly, "I don't know, but it's just what you saw!"

"Yao'er used the formation, and Zhanyun was trapped in the phantom formation, so this is what you saw!" Lan Jinling smiled slightly, with a gratified smile on his face.

Regarding Lan Yao's situation at this time, Lan Jinling was of course very happy and gratified. She never expected that Lan Yao would do such a surprising thing. Having afternoon tea in the ring was something that had never happened before.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lan Yao's mouth, and she threw a small teacup towards Lan Jinling, "Brother Ling, you must be thirsty, I'll give you a cup!"

Lan Jinling smiled, took a sip, closed her eyes and nodded, "Well, it's good, the fragrance is lingering on the tongue, fresh and elegant, it's a good tea!"

"Of course, this is the tea I made, of course it's delicious!" Lan Yao said proudly.

Lan Yao's words immediately overwhelmed a lot of people.

Zhang Jie and Wang Kehui looked extremely ugly. Zhan Yun is now trapped in the formation, and the culprit, Lan Yao, is still drinking afternoon tea in the ring so leisurely. It would be abnormal not to be angry.

They wanted to wake Zhan Yun up immediately, but if they interfered in the game without authorization, there would be serious consequences, and they didn't know if they could wake Zhan Yun up.

Li Qingfeng and the others looked at Lan Yao on the ring, and sighed, "What kind of special skills does this Lan Yao have! The sacred artifacts before are already enough to make people jealous, but now they can use formations to keep people alive." ah!"

"That's right!" Tian Wenjin and the others immediately nodded in agreement.

Formation is also a very god-like existence for the legion. In ancient times, as long as monks who knew formation joined the legion, they didn't need to send people to patrol around even at night. There was a formation around them. As long as there was any disturbance, they Everyone knows that when there are enemies or monsters approaching them, the formation is activated, and the formation level is strong, and they can be destroyed without their shots.

Therefore, the existence of Lan Yao is very important to the legion, and he secretly rejoiced that he did not offend Lan Yao.

Hai Jun was the most proud and happy. Although he didn't know when Lan Yao had such a unique skill, he also sincerely congratulated Lan Yao. Sure enough, Lan Yao's talent was not comparable to them.

(End of this chapter)

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