Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 512 News from Qilin Kingdom 4

Chapter 512 News from Qilin Kingdom 4
Zhan Yun looked at Lan Yao in astonishment. He had fantasized that Lan Yao was a woman before, but he never expected that Lan Yao really was a woman.

Zhan Yun's whole head froze, as if the gears of the machine were rusted and he couldn't move at all.

And the one who was even more depressed and entangled was Haijun. If he had a good relationship with Lan Yao, apart from Lan Jinling and Ouyang Yu, he was the only one who had a good relationship with Lan Yao.

But he didn't expect that he didn't even know that Lan Yao was a woman, and after spending so long with Lan Yao, he didn't even know?

Li Qingfeng and the others turned their heads and stared at Haijun fiercely, their eyes were full of questioning expressions, as if to say, you didn't tell us that Lan Yao is a woman!
"Hai Jun, you are too mean!"

"That's right, Lan Yao is a woman, why didn't you tell us!"

"Are you afraid that we will rob women from you?"

"That's right, what's the matter if Lan Yao is a woman, we are good brothers, we actually value sex over friends!"


A group of people kept blaming Haijun.

Hai Jun opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. In fact, he didn't know what to say now.

He really didn't know that Lan Yao was a woman!You have wronged me!

But when they saw Hai Jun's shocked expression, they had to believe that Hai Jun didn't seem to know Lan Yao's identity as a woman.

Several young regiment leaders looked at each other, "No way? Haijun doesn't know Lan Yao's identity as a woman?"

Ouyang Yu knew that Lan Yao was a woman, so he patted Hai Jun on the shoulder, "Actually, I also knew that Lan Yao was a woman when I was in the academy!"

Hai Jun turned his head and jumped to call Ouyang Yu, shouting innocently, "Then why didn't you just tell me!"

Ouyang Yu touched his nose, looked at Hai Jun's appearance and shrugged his shoulders, "What do you think would happen if Lan Yao was a woman with an identity like ours?"

Hai Jun was taken aback for a moment, as if he realized something for a while, and nodded slightly, "Yes!"

Lan Yao is an illegitimate daughter, if she knew that she was a woman, since Lan Yao is now so delicate in disguise as a man, let alone a woman, she would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

I am a man, the family threw him away, and Lan Yao is a woman, maybe they will not throw him away, but it is very likely that he will become a pawn in the family marriage, no matter who is willing.

Lan Yao disguised herself as a man, and relying on her own talent to reach this point, really let Hai Jun bow down.

"What's wrong with women? Can't women hold up half the sky? Who said that?"

Hai Jun's eyes fell on Lan Yao, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't say much.

Lan Yao shrugged her shoulders, and said calmly, "Actually, I didn't mean to hide it. If I resume women's clothing, I'm afraid you won't do anything to me. There's no reason for a man to beat a woman, is there?"

After all, fighting with a woman is embarrassing to the elders, so some people nodded in agreement with Lan Yao's words.

Because of Lan Yao's identity as a woman, a large number of women in the entire competition venue have been weathered. They wanted to dedicate their bodies at first, but now they are better. Knowing that Lan Yao is a woman, all of them have become statue.

After all, in their hearts, Lan Yao is their idol, and they regard her as a model for their future husband-in-law.

But now they are actually told that Lan Yao is a woman, how can this be accepted by them.

(End of this chapter)

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