Chapter 554
Yuan Zhijie fled back to Yuan's house with his guards. The first thing he did was to report to Yuan Biao.

In the hall, Yuan Zhijie's uncles and elders gathered in the hall one by one, listening to Yuan Zhijie's report.

"Hmph, Yuan Qian! You're so bold!" Yuan Biao's younger brother Yuan De immediately patted the table in dissatisfaction after hearing Yuan Zhijie's words.

I think that when I was choosing the lord of Jingyuan City, I fought with Yuan Qian to choose the lord of the city. Yuan Qian defeated him, so he was unwilling to stay in Yuan's house.

Yuan Zhijie also nodded in agreement, and said angrily, "Yes, he cooperated with Yuan Cheng to resist openly, and even let his subordinates beat me. With such a high level of cultivation, I am no match for them!"

"Hmph, Yuan Qian is so rude, brother, I think Yuan Qian should be escorted to Yuan's house and punished severely!" Yuan De said to Yuan Biao angrily.

Yuan Biao opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Zhijie, "Zhijie, why did Yuan Qian let you back?"

"This... is..." Yuan Zhijie was about to speak when there was a cry from outside.

"Report, Patriarch, outside, Yuan Yiyang led Yuan Cheng and others to come to have an audience!" The guard clasped his fists and bowed tremblingly.

Yuen Biao pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Let them in!"

"Yes!" The guard turned and left quickly.

Everyone watched the guard run out, then turned to look at Yuen Biao, thinking about what to do next.

Yuan Biao turned his head to look at Yuan Zhijie, tapped his fingers on the table, "Yuan Cheng, is that Yuan Cheng?"

"Yes!" Yuan Zhijie nodded slightly.

Yuen Biao nodded slightly, thinking, "En!"

And Yuan Yiyang brought Yuan Cheng and others into the hall.

Nangong Yao looked at the people in the whole hall, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It seemed that this Yuan Zhijie had already said a lot of bad things to them. Looking at the anger and contempt in the eyes of these people from the Yuan family, he understood immediately.

It is estimated that at this time, the Yuan family wants to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

Nangong Yao crossed her arms and looked at the people of Yuan's family. With an arrogant smile on her lips, she teased and said, "Hey, there are so many people? It's because we know that we are going to issue a challenge letter. Everyone is here today." Ah! Well, that’s right, it just so happens that we don’t need to announce them one by one!”

"Who are you!" Yuan De angrily jumped up, pointing at Nangong Yao.

A smile appeared on the corner of Nangong Yao's mouth, and she looked at Yuan De, "Hmph, who am I? Are you qualified to ask?"

"Bold bitch, how dare you make a big noise in Yuan's house!" Yuan De angrily cursed at Nangong Yao.

Liu Qingfeng and Xuanyuan Hao looked at Yuan De coldly, if Nangong Yao hadn't reached out to stop them, they might have rushed to kill him already.

Xiaoguai originally held Xuanyuan Hao's neck with both hands, but after hearing Yuan De's words, she also turned her head and glared at Yuan De angrily.

Three pairs of murderous eyes made Yuan De take a step back.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, and a battle post appeared in her hand, and she threw it at Yuan Biao, "This is Brother Yuan's challenge letter, you should be the head of the Yuan family! Take a look!"

Yuan Biao took the battle post thrown by Nangong Yao, opened it, glanced at it, looked up at Nangong Yao, and sneered, "Do you think you can challenge everyone in the Yuan family? "

(End of this chapter)

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