Chapter 557
Liu Qingfeng laughed when he heard this, and patted Nangong Yao on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Yao'er, I will definitely teach this rude guy a lesson and avenge you!"

"Then thank you Brother Liu!" Nangong Yao said gratefully with a smile.

Hearing Nangong Yao's grateful words, Liu Qingfeng was of course happy, thinking to himself, how to teach that guy who was rude to Nangong Yao later, this is a good opportunity, you can't miss it in vain, this can only be counted on you I am out of luck.

Yuen Biao turned his head and looked at Liu Qingfeng. He felt that Liu Qingfeng's cultivation base was a bit different, but he didn't know why he didn't know which level of cultivation base he belonged to, but he still believed that Liu Qingfeng's cultivation level in front of him was different. Qingfeng will definitely not be taller than himself. From his age, it can be seen that if he is a master of Xuanzun, it is absolutely impossible, because those masters want to go to the top and will not walk around in this world.

However, no matter how much Yuen Biao thought, he could not imagine that they were not from above at all, but from above. This strength was not something he could compare to.

Xuanyuan Hao hugged Nangong Yao into his arms from Liu Qingfeng's side, and said with a jealous smile, "Yaoer, let's go and sit over there, the seats there are good!"

Nangong Yao gave Xuanyuan Hao a blank look, she was really jealous.

Liu Qingfeng gave Xuanyuan Hao a contemptuous look, he didn't even touch Nangong Yao himself, this guy was jealous, I really don't know where his jealousy came from.

Xiaoguai hurriedly pulled up his legs and followed in the footsteps of his parents.

Yuan Cheng took a look at Yuan Biao and the others, and followed Nangong Yao's footsteps. It's his own game after a while, and he must not lose.

Liu Qingfeng folded his hands on his chest, raised his chin, smiled playfully, and sat beside Xiaoguai, because Nangong Yao's two sides were occupied by Xiaoguai and Xuanyuanhao, so he couldn't go to Xuanyuanhao's side. I can sit next to Xiaoguai now.

Yuen Biao stepped onto the ring and yelled for silence, the entire martial arts arena almost stopped discussing.

"Today, everyone doesn't know why I suddenly summoned you to the martial arts arena. Yesterday, Yuan Cheng brought outsiders to Yuan's house to issue a challenge letter to challenge Yuan Zhijie and me. Today, I asked everyone to come, just to do a witness!"

"Hmph! What testimony? Are you going to let people from the Yuan family here to be witnesses? Patriarch Yuan, you are too cunning, aren't you? If we beat you both to the ground, wouldn't you be furious? Will you besiege us? Hmph, I think all the practitioners around here should be called together to watch this competition! This is fair!" Nangong Yao snorted coldly and said contemptuously.

"My Yuan family is definitely not that kind of villain!" Yuan Biao snorted coldly, "If that's the case, then I'll give you a stick of incense time. If they come to watch this competition, that's fine too! As long as they arrive within the time limit , you can watch, if you don’t arrive, don’t come!”

"That's more or less the same!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, turned her head to Xuanyuan Hao and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, it's up to you!"

"Don't worry!" Xuanyuan Hao smiled, patted Nangong Yao on the shoulder, stood up and flew into the air, took a deep breath, "All the practitioners around the Yuan Family's Martial Arts Field, immediately go to the Yuan Family's Martial Arts Field and watch Competition! Within a stick of time, all the cultivators rushed to the Martial Arts Field, and the casino bet on two matches, Yuan Cheng vs. Yuan Zhijie, and Liu Qingfeng vs. Yuen Biao!"

(End of this chapter)

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