Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 591 Heading to Pill City 2

Chapter 591 Heading to Pill City 2
"As for the Alchemy Palace, there will be an assessment every five years, which is the level test for those alchemists!" Yuan Cheng touched his chin and said, "By the way, the level test for alchemists will be in two months. , By the way, junior sister, can't you make alchemy? Do you want to try it?"

He very much hoped that Nangong Yao would be able to take the exam, maybe there would be another rumor!

"That's right, why didn't I think of that?" Nangong Yao immediately said happily after hearing this.

Yuan Cheng added with a smile, "Junior sister, there is one more thing, if you can pass the alchemy certificate issued by the alchemy hall, you are welcome to go to all countries!"

"That's not bad, you're traveling all over the world!" Nangong Yao wanted to rely on this certificate even more. With her own ability, she should have reached the Grandmaster level, right?
With this proof of alchemy, no matter where it is, it is popular and spicy!
Yuan Cheng nodded slightly and said, "Well, Junior Sister is right, I think you can take the test!"

Fang Rong asked Nangong Yao worriedly, "But, I heard that there are many requirements for being an alchemist. Girl Nangong, can you really do it?"

After hearing Fang Rong's words, Xuanyuan Hao was the first to be dissatisfied. He slapped the table and said angrily, "Fang Rong, you can doubt Dan
Whether the palace is covering up, but Yao'er must not be doubted! "

Fang Rong looked at Xuanyuan Hao in fear, and could feel the powerful aura from his body, which made her almost unable to breathe.

Xuanyuan Hao was angry, but Nangong Yao was not. She immediately reached out and patted him on the shoulder, comforting him, "Okay, brother Xuanyuan, don't get angry, Miss Fang didn't mean that either!"

Xuanyuan Hao turned his head and glanced at Nangong Yao, since the master is not angry, why should he be angry? "Okay, got it!"

"Be good!" Nangong Yao reached out and patted Xuanyuan Hao's chin.

This move made Xuanyuan Hao very embarrassed, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he yelled helplessly, "Yao'er!"

"What's the matter?" Nangong Yao blinked her innocent eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Hao with a puzzled expression on her face.

Xuanyuan Hao looked at Nangong Yao's eyes, could only touch his nose, and said awkwardly, "No... I didn't say anything, I just called you!"

"Really, boring!" Nangong Yao gave Xuanyuan Hao a helpless look, then turned to Yuan Cheng and said, "Senior Brother Yuan, how long does it take us to get to Pill City?"

"If you fly, in addition to food and lodging, you can get there in one month!" Yuan Cheng explained after a while.

"One month! That is to say, after arriving in Pill City, there is still one month left?" Nangong Yao rubbed her chin, thinking.

Yuan Cheng reminded Nangong Yao again, "Yaoer, because the exam is held every five years, most of them will go there three months before the exam, and prepare some materials by the way!"

"In such a hurry?" Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Cheng in astonishment. Originally, she wanted to play on the road for half a month, but now her plan was all in vain.

Yuan Cheng smiled, and asked Nangong Yao, "What? Do you still want to play?"

"Yeah, going a month earlier, wouldn't it be boring!" Nangong Yao said with a blank look.

Yuan Cheng shook his head slightly, and explained, "Yao'er, we have to go early, otherwise, we will lose the place where Dancheng lives!"

"Uh... alright!" Nangong Yao could only nod helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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