Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 594 Heading to Pill City 5

Chapter 594 Heading to Pill City 5
Nangong Yao watched Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao come to the outside of Pill City during the quarrel.

After the Sun Chasing Eagle landed, Nangong Yao turned her head to look at Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao who continued to quarrel behind her, she could only shake her head helplessly.

These two people have been arguing for so many years above, and they are still arguing now. When they are down below, they are still arguing when they meet. I don't know what is going on with them.

Although Nangong Yao was able to stop the argument between the two, it was probably only temporary, and in the end she had no choice but to let it go.

Nangong Yao fantasizes about her future, which will be hot and humid.

"Brother Yuan, let's go first!" Nangong Yao hurriedly said to Yuan Cheng.

Yuan Cheng smiled, and said to Nangong Yao, "Okay, in this Pill City, there is a small courtyard of our academy, and there will probably be some alchemists coming here to take the exam!"

Nangong Yao gave Yuan Cheng a contemptuous look, "Why didn't you say it before? Are you playing me on purpose?"

"Um... I just remembered it all of a sudden!"Yuan Cheng touched his nose in embarrassment, he really just forgot by accident, why are he so angry.

Nangong Yao gave Yuan Cheng a hard look, and put her foot on his leg, causing Yuan Cheng to almost stumble and fall.

Yuan Cheng touched his leg, looked at the back of Nangong Yao who was leaving triumphantly, and shook his head helplessly, "This girl!"

Fang Rong looked at Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao, who were following Nangong Yao, and felt even more puzzled.

Nangong Yao walked to the door, jumped with her hands on her hips, and looked at the whole bustling Pill City.

"As expected of Dancheng!" Nangong Yao looked at the lively scene around in amazement.

There are various street vendors selling spirit grass on both sides of the streets in the entire Dan city, and a large number of people trade here.

The vendors selling spirit herbs are all martial practitioners or spiritual cultivators, and they all come here to refine elixir in exchange for some money or something.

Of course, there are also some who come here to find alchemists to refine elixirs. During this time, there are the most alchemists.

Nangong Yao excitedly ran to the vendor to look at the spiritual herbs on the ground.

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng stood behind Nangong Yao respectively, looked at the spirit grass on the ground, turned their heads to one side, "Hmph, there is too little spirit energy!"

"Useless! Weeds!"

The rare Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao had the same opinion and said with contempt.

Hearing the words of Liu Qingfeng and the other two, the owner of the vendor suddenly cursed in dissatisfaction, "Hmph, since you think this is a weed, then don't stay here!"

It's no wonder, after all, the two of Liu Qingfeng don't belong to this plane, and these spiritual herbs are just like weeds on their side.

Nangong Yao had already scolded all eighteen generations of ancestors that Liu Qingfeng and the others scolded.

"Bastard!" Nangong Yao kicked Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao's legs respectively, and glared at them.

Both Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao didn't understand why Nangong Yao was angry, so they turned their heads to look at each other, but found that something was wrong, and after a cold snort, they immediately turned their heads to look to the other side.

Yuan Hao looked at Nangong Yao's back, ran up quickly, and shouted, "Yao'er, wait for me!"

"Smelly rat, go so fast!" Liu Qingfeng shouted at Yuan Hao angrily.

Yuan Hao put his arms around Nangong Yao's waist, looked around and said, "Okay, I apologize to you! I didn't mean to, and I won't say a word unless you let me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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