Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 621 Nangong Yao Can’t Pass 5

Chapter 621 Nangong Yao Can’t Pass 5
The two snorted coldly at the same time, and a temperament that surpassed Xuanzun's peak directly pressed down on everyone in the entire examination room.

In an instant, the entire examination room couldn't bear such a great force, they knelt down on the ground, and some of them vomited blood and lay on the ground.

This also made Gao Yongbing and Du Junwei extremely astonished, they looked at Nangong Yao, Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng in disbelief.

They never expected that these two people had surpassed the peak of Xuanzun.

As the elders of the Pill Palace, they have seen many Xuanzun peak masters, but their aura is not at all comparable to Liu Qingfeng, it is simply a world of difference.

They didn't expect that two masters would suddenly appear today, and they all came for Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao touched her chin, looked at Chen Jia in front of her, "Oh, actually, I don't want to do this either. Since you guys doubt it, I can't help it! If so, let you see my real face!"

After all, Nangong Yao waved her hand to restore her appearance to that of Lan Yao. In an instant, everyone looked at Nangong Yao in a daze.

Nangong Yao looked at Chen Jia with a bit of arrogance, "Don't you want to know why my attributes are different? Then I can introduce it to you too!"

Seeing Chen Jia's terrified expression, Nangong Yao walked between Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng with a somewhat excited expression, "These two are my good brothers who are both teachers and friends. Brother Yuan Hao Yuan, this one is Brother Liu Qing who taught me alchemy, maybe you have never heard of their names, of course, this is also necessary, because they have already broken through the peak of Xuan Zun I went to the second plane, but they wanted to stay with me for a while, so they stayed there all the time and planned to wait until the last day before leaving. Now, you should understand? The reason why I didn’t say These two big brothers who are also teachers and friends are because they are about to leave. After they leave, you will definitely not remember it. Why do I say it? Now you all know my master Han Feilong. Of course I mean him, I It's not wrong!"

Listening to Nangong Yao's introduction, everyone instantly understood what was going on.

Of course, there are also certain master craftsmen who can definitely refine one that hides their own attributes. This kind of grand master has reached the point where they cannot be estimated.

Now listening to Nangong Yao's words, these two people have already broken through Xuanzun's subversion, so they are more likely to hide.

Nangong Yao patted her hands, and said to Chen Jia, "Also, why is my name called Nangong Yao? Everyone must have heard some rumors. My original surname is Lan, but I actually belong to the Lan family. An illegitimate daughter, but my mother's surname is Nangongyao. Since I have left the Lan family, I will follow my mother's surname. Is there anyone who stipulates that it is not allowed? If you really have any doubts, you can go to Qilin National Academy to ask my master Han Feilong, is it true, but of course it will be in vain for you to go!"

Chen Jia stared at Nangong Yao viciously.

"Two elders, do you accept my explanation?" Nangong Yao smiled slightly and asked Gao Yongbing and the two of them.

Gao Yongbing and Gao Yongbing immediately nodded and said, "Satisfied!"

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, and glanced at Chen Jia arrogantly, she didn't need to say anything about it, Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng would definitely kill Chen Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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