Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 625 Assessment of Pill Hall 3

Chapter 625 Assessment of Pill Hall 3
These disciples are almost all the entry-level disciples of Dan Dianzhao, they are just starting out, and they are still very respectful to these candidates for the master-level exam.

Nangong Yao looked curiously at the box on the table.

Both Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao were extremely bored, but after thinking about it, they were still very worried about Nangong Yao.

"Hey, Mouse, are we really waiting here?" Liu Qingfeng said to Yuan Hao with his arms folded.

Yuan Hao smiled slightly and said, "How about we go in together?"

"Finally came to a boat!" Liu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and raised his chin to Yuan Hao.

So, the two walked to a corner, hid their bodies, turned into the form of the primordial spirit, and entered the examination room.

They don't care about the formations and barriers here. To them, these are the same as visiting their own backyard.

The two entered the examination room, and looked at Nangong Yao, who was wearing a pink dress in the examination room, sitting seriously at the edge of the table, studying the panacea in the box.

Nangong Yao sniffed each panacea and nodded slightly.

Judging from the elixir that Dan Dian took out, it represented that Dan Dian attached great importance to the master-level exams, many of which he had never seen in Qilin Kingdom.

Nangong Yao smiled gratifiedly, but it was absolutely impossible to stump herself.

Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao stood on both sides of Nangong Yao, looking down at Nangong Yao grinding.

Nangong Yao started to write, writing her own profile on the rice paper.

If a panacea is written in more detail, the final score will be higher.

Therefore, Nangong Yao wrote very clearly about each elixir, no matter the material or the heat.

Yang Kai, who was sitting at the table next to Nangong Yao, was slightly taken aback when he saw Nangong Yao start to write, and was secretly astonished in his heart.

"Nangongyao did it so quickly? She couldn't have figured it out, right? This is a master-level exam, and many of them are already extinct!"

Looking at the confident smile on Nangong Yao's face, Yang Kai felt a lot heavier on his shoulders.

Yang Kai frowned slightly, but shook his head and stopped looking at Nangong Yao, for fear of affecting himself.

Gao Yongbing and Du Junwei sat on the proctoring table, glanced around at the candidates who were still thinking, and then turned to look at Nangongyao. They were slightly taken aback when they saw Nangongyao writing.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Yao started to write in less than a cup of tea, and the speed of writing was also very fast, which surprised them even more.

Gao Yongbing and Du Junwei were ashamed to see Nangong Yao write so intently, at least they should think again, after all, this is not an ordinary exam.

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng, standing on both sides of Nangong Yao, looked at what Nangong Yao wrote, and nodded slightly, very satisfied.

At least, Nangong Yao did not live up to their hopes, nor did they waste the time they gave her.

"Oh, Yao'er is really smart, she is indeed the person I Liu Qingfeng likes!" Liu Qingfeng rubbed his chin proudly.

Yuan Hao immediately glared at Liu Qingfeng with dissatisfaction. Although he knew how to make alchemy, his alchemy skills were not as good as Liu Qingfeng, so there were not many people who helped Nangong Yao. Every time he saw Nangong Yao take the initiative to ask Liu Qingfeng instead of him. It's jealousy.

If it wasn't because Nangong Yao was going to take the grade test, Yuan Hao would definitely have made trouble, and he could only hold back in the end.

With the passage of time, gradually, Nangong Yao has filled each sheet of rice paper.

(End of this chapter)

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