Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 639 Just Be Stimulated 3

Chapter 639 Just Be Stimulated 3
"Then...does Xiaoguai have any rewards for mother?" Nangong Yao smiled and asked Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai rubbed her chin, thought for a while, "Then give mother a kiss!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Guai immediately gave a "boo" and kissed Nangong Yao's face fiercely, with a proud expression on his face.

"Brat, is your mother someone you can kiss?"

"Little brat, you actually took advantage of others! Are you looking for a beating!"

Seeing Xiaoguai's proud look, Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao immediately yelled at Xiaoguai.

Nangong Yao picked up Xiaoguai with a smile, and made a face at them, "Hmph, why do you always fight over each other, you deserve it! Xiaoguai, let's go, mother will take you to eat delicious food!"

"En!" Xiaoguai immediately nodded happily.

Yuan Cheng watched the interaction between Liu Qingfeng and Nangong Yaona, and shook his head helplessly. Anyway, he was no longer surprised.

Yang Kai, who was following behind, looked at Nangong Yao and the others with a look of astonishment on his face. What's going on?

Looking at the irritated Yang Kai, Yuan Cheng smiled and pushed his back, "Let's go, you don't have to be too entangled, after hanging out with junior sister for a long time, it's not surprising, these two people, Everyone likes Junior Sister, saw it too!"

"Ah? Oh!" Yang Kai nodded slightly, watching Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao continue to follow behind Nangong Yao with their shoulders pressed against each other.

Thinking of her junior sister Feng Fangfang, she was made to look like a ghost by Liu Qingfeng, and she didn't know how to tell her master.

Yang Kai asked all the doctors in the entire Pill City to show Feng Fangfang, but there was nothing they could do.

Now, Feng Fangfang has been shutting herself in the room all the time, not daring to come out, for fear of being ridiculed by others. Feng Fangfang, who used to take her appearance for granted, now wants to hang herself.

Thinking of his junior sister, Yang Kai could only shake his head helplessly, and sighed, whoever let his junior sister offend these two great gods, even his own master, would not dare to have any complaints, after all, at that time he He was taking an exam and couldn't care about Feng Fangfang at all.

Looking at the back of Nangong Yao and the others leaving, Chen Yongzhi and others sighed.

With these two alchemy masters around, it would be strange if Nangong Yao could not pass the exam.

Gao Yongbing said to Chen Yongzhi with a smile, "Master, tomorrow is to think of a way to keep Nangong Yao in the Dan Palace?"

"Yes!" Chen Yongzhi nodded slightly, and said, "How could I miss such a talented disciple!"

"It's just, Palace Master, this Nangong Yao is the closed disciple of Han Feilong from the Qilin Kingdom. I don't think we have any way to keep her?" Du Junwei frowned and asked Chen Yongzhi worriedly.

Chen Yongzhi pondered for a moment, and said to Du Junwei, "That's right, but our Pill Palace has the advantages of our Pill Palace, and we can give everything to Nangong Yao. I don't believe it will be inferior to Qilin Kingdom!"

"Hey!" Du Junwei shook his head slightly, thinking to himself, I'm afraid it's impossible, the two masters around Nangong Yao may not let Nangong Yao stay here, if they stay early, they will definitely stay in Qilin country.

For a genius like Nangong Yao, she would definitely not be willing to stay in this small place, and go out to make a living, which is the best arrangement. Chen Yongzhi's wish may not be fulfilled.

(End of this chapter)

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