Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 706: The Messenger's Lower Realm 9

Chapter 706: The Messenger's Lower Realm 9
Nangong Peng also walked in with Nangong Bo, and after learning about the situation, he was also very worried about Nangong Yao's situation.

Nangong Bo and Lan Jinling took Xiaoguai out of the room and asked Nangong Peng to visit Nangong Yao.

Han Feilong stretched out his hand and said, "Messenger, this is here. There is an enchantment here, and we can't get close!"

Nan Gongpeng nodded slightly, stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and wanted to touch the barrier, but there was a crackling sound before touching the barrier.

And Nangong Peng also felt a burst of lightning strike his body, although it was small, it also shocked Nangong Peng.

Being able to have such a powerful force, but also such a sophisticated and advanced formation technology, is not something ordinary people can do.

Looking at the enchantment in front of him, Nangong Peng frowned, thinking to himself, on this face, who has such great power to set up this enchantment.

"Do you know who these two people are?" After thinking about it, Nangong Peng still felt that something was wrong, and asked Han Feilong and others.

"That's not very clear. I just know their names. One is Yuan Hao and the other is Liu Qingfeng. As for where they came from and what relationship they have with Yao'er, I'm not too sure!" Han Feilong shook slightly. Shaking his head, he said with a sigh.

"Yuan Hao? Liu Qingfeng?" Nangong Peng muttered these two names, thinking to himself, who could it be?
How come I have never heard of these two names?

"Then how is Nangong Yao's health?" Nangong Peng turned to ask Han Feilong again.

After all, Han Feilong is Nangong Yao's master, and has been paying attention to Nangong Yao's situation, and the only way to know is to ask him.

"I don't know either. It's just that when the two seniors brought Yao'er back, Yao'er was covered in blood and her clothes were in tatters. The breath she felt from Yao'er was very weak. So, I think, Yao'er My son's life is very weak!" Han Feilong shook his head slightly, feeling very distressed in his heart.

Although Nangong Yao is a girl, she is his favorite and proud of her disciple.

Although he is only 16 years old, he has already achieved extraordinary achievements. Of course, Humphrey hopes that Nangong Yao's future achievements will get better and better, and even surpass himself.

Nangong Peng shook his head slightly, sighed, and said, "If I open this enchantment, I'm afraid it will be bad for Nangong Yao. This enchantment seems to protect Nangong Yao's safety, but it is closely related to Nangong Yao's life. If it is broken I'm afraid, Nangong Yao's life is also dying!"

For these enchantments, it is not so rare in the fairy world of the second plane, but it is not ordinary people who can lay such a precise enchantment, even the best formation master on the second plane may not be able to do it. .

However, Nangong Peng was puzzled, who did Nangong Yao know to be so powerful.

"Yeah!" Han Feilong nodded slightly, unexpectedly, this enchantment was so powerful.

"Okay, I've finished reading it too, and when the two masters come, you can inform me!" Nangong Peng thought for a while, and now the three families of the Dongfang family have gone out to find someone, and he didn't May stay here.

"This...then do your best!" Han Feilong nodded slightly, feeling depressed in his heart, whether he still has the ability to keep them is also a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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