Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 709 Nangong Yao wakes up 3

Chapter 709 Nangong Yao wakes up 3
The sleeping Nangong Yao stretched out in a vast white world, walking aimlessly.



Two voices kept echoing in Nangong Yao's ears.

Nangong Yao stopped and looked up at the white world around her, wondering, "Who is calling me?"



Nangong Yao stood on the spot and turned around, looking around, "Who is it? Who is calling me? Where are you? Come out!"

All around was a vast expanse of whiteness, with no end, no beginning, and no top in sight.

"Hao... is that you? Are you calling me?" Nangong Yao shouted towards the surroundings.

Listening to this familiar voice, Nangong Yao's heart felt warm and sad, very heartbroken.

"Hao, I was wrong, I want to see you, I want you to come back to me, Hao, where are you? Come back soon!" Nangong Yao
Covering his face with his hands, he squatted on the ground, and cried silently, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

At this time, a white figure walked up to Nangong Yao, looked at her squatting on the ground, squatted down while crying, hugged her in his arms, and called softly, "Yaoer... "

Nangong Yao froze for a moment, looked up at the familiar face, her eyes were full of astonishment, "Hao?"

"Silly girl, why are you squatting here without moving?" Yuan Hao smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Nangong Yao's cheek, saying dotingly.

Nangong Yao threw herself into Yuan Hao's arms, with too much force, she threw Yuan Hao to the ground, Yuan Hao also reacted in time, supported the ground with both hands, and sat on the ground, Nangong Yao tightly hugged her neck , "Yaoer..."

Nangong Yao cried and hugged Yuan Hao, "Hao, where have you been, I miss you so much, I apologize to you, I was wrong, I didn't mean to make you go before, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Hao..."

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I leave you?" Yuan Hao smiled and stroked Nangong Yao's hair, "Aren't I by your side? Don't be afraid!"

Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and buried her head in Yuan Hao's arms, "Hao, thank you, thank you for coming back! I miss you so much!"

"Silly girl!" Yuan Hao looked down at the "kitten" in his arms.

There was a warm current in Nangong Yao's heart, she hugged Yuan Hao's neck tightly, not wanting to let go.

She was really scared, afraid that she would never see Yuan Hao again, even if she left, she would not be able to say goodbye to him.

"Stop crying?" Yuan Hao asked Nangong Yao gently.

Nangong Yao puffed her cheeks, and said dissatisfiedly, "What? Don't you like me crying?"

"No, it's just that I think you are the most beautiful when you smile!" Yuan Hao smiled and said provocatively.

"Poor mouth!" Nangong Yao stretched out her hand and slapped Yuan Hao's chest, but her cheeks were also flushed, and she was shy for a while.

Yuan Hao patted Nangong Yao on the back, and said softly, "Yaoer, let's go back!"

"Go back?" Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Hao suspiciously.

Yuan Hao smiled and nodded, "Well, go back, go back to reality, this place doesn't belong to you! There are still many people outside who are worried about you! Of course, the person who is most worried is me!"

"Hao..." Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Hao's body gradually disappearing, and she also jumped to nothing. Looking at the disappearing Yuan Hao, she immediately yelled loudly, "Hao..."

(End of this chapter)

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