Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 714 Nangong Yao wakes up 8

Chapter 714 Nangong Yao wakes up 8
Xiaoguai walked in from the outside with Wuhen.

"Why are there so many people? Are they all waiting for mother?" Xiaoguai tilted her head and looked at Nangong Bo and others in the room with curiosity.

Lan Jinling walked up to Xiao Guai, "Little Guai, why did you come in? Can Uncle take you out?"

"No, Xiaoguai wants to see mother, uncle, mother hasn't come out yet?" Xiaoguai immediately puffed her mouth and said dissatisfied.

Lan Jinling glanced at Nangong Bo and the others, as if they had no intention of helping him, she immediately scolded these people inwardly.

"Little boy, we don't know when your mother will come out. How about... let's wait and see, shall we?" Lan Jinling pulled Xiaoguai and asked.

Xiaoguai thought for a while, then nodded, "Well, uncle, you can't lie to children!"

The corners of Lan Jinling's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, you are a child, "Okay, I won't lie to you! Come, sit on uncle's lap!"

"Hehehe..." Xiaoguai happily climbed onto Lan Jinling's lap, and the little tripod was dangling in the air.

When everyone was anxious, and Xiaoguai was waiting bored, there was a "squeak" sound of the door opening.

Everyone shifted their gaze to look at the door of Nangong Yao's room.

Seeing the familiar figure at the door, everyone jumped up from their seats with a bang.

Both Lan Jinling and Han Feilong looked at Nangong Yao in astonishment, because the two of them knew the extent of Nangong Yao's injury best, but they didn't expect...

Nangong Yao was intact as before, and appeared in front of everyone with a rosy face. Moreover, because the disguise had been lifted, Nangong Yao looked even more aura at this time, making Nangong Bo dumbfounded.

Xiaoguai was not as surprised as Lan Jinling and the others. When she saw Nangong Yao, she was the first to pounce on her, calling out in a childish and coquettish voice, "Mother..."

Nangong Yao smiled and knelt down and hugged Xiaoguai in her arms, "This child!"

Xiaoguai happily rubbed against Nangong Yao's arms, "Mother, Xiaoguai misses you so much, you don't even want to see Xiaoguai! Mother, don't be angry with Xiaoguai, okay?"

Nangong Yao pinched Xiaoguai's cheek, and said with a somewhat reproachful tone, "You little devil, where did you go to play again? You forgot about your mother!"

"Hey hey..." Xiaoguai scratched the back of her head and smiled mischievously at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao could only shake her head helplessly, "You know how to act like a baby!"

"Mother..." Xiaoguai rubbed her chubby cheek against Nangong Yao with a look of grievance.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore!" Nangong Yao shook her head helplessly and said.

Lan Jinling and the others looked at Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai talking and laughing, and it didn't feel like they were facing a life-and-death hanging thread at all.

"How is this possible?" Even Han Feilong, who had lived for so many years, couldn't believe it.

Lan Jinling walked up to Nangong Yao, reached out and grabbed Nangong Yao's shoulders, looked at her in a circle, and stammered, not knowing what to say for a moment, "Yao'"

Nangong Yao looked down at herself with a smile, then smiled and said to Lan Jinling, "Brother Ling, what's the matter? Don't you recognize me?"

"" Lan Jinling shook her head slightly, looked at Nangong Yao, and asked with concern, "Yaoer, how is your health? Are you okay? But it's so serious, and...and..."

(End of this chapter)

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