Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 717 The Self-blaming Nangong 2

Chapter 717 The Self-blaming Nangong 2
Ouyang Yu also loved Xiaoguai very much. When Xiaoguai was born not long ago, it was thanks to Ouyang Yu who took care of him for a while, and he had a very good relationship with him.

Yuan Cheng sighed, touched Xiao Guai's little head, and reminded, "Little Gua, your mother is so sad, go and comfort her a little bit, your mother is in good health, don't be too sad!"

"Oh, do your best, little boy!" Xiaoguai nodded slightly, her eyes were already a little red, and she wiped her nose and snot with her little hand.

Wuhen squatted on the ground and scratched his head with his front paws. Anyway, the world's sex has nothing to do with him. It's better to sleep or look at beautiful women.

Xiaoguai ran to Nangong Yao's side, patted her on the back with her little hand, "Mother, Uncle Ouyang is gone, and there is Xiaoguai, let Xiaoguai protect mother from now on!"

Nangong Yao turned her head to look at Xiaoguai, her eyes were reddish when she looked at him, "Little boy!"

Hearing Nangong Yao's cry, Xiaoguai couldn't help but threw herself into Nangong Yao's arms and burst into tears.

Nangong Yao hugged Xiaoguai carefully, knelt on the ground with her legs, and kowtowed on the top of Xiaoguai's head.

Thinking of everything that used to be with Ouyang Yu, all of this seemed like a lifetime ago, never would have imagined that Ouyang Yu would sacrifice himself to save himself.

death, or even fainted.

Thinking of the submissive Ouyang Yu, who had always been given the title of "illegitimate child" on his head, making him unable to hold his head up forever, and Bai was forced to leave his home in the end.

Lan Yao left the crowd, only to find that there was a person following her closely.

Looking back, it turned out to be the young man he had rescued.

"Why don't you leave? Why are you following me?" Lan Yao turned around, crossed her arms, and asked the young man suspiciously.

The young man lowered his head and looked up at Lan Yao, "I...I..."

"What's your name?" Lan Yao asked him helplessly.

"Ou... Ouyang Yu..." Ouyang Yu said hesitantly.

"Ouyang Yu? What a good name!" Lan Yao smiled and said, "Ouyang Yu, why are you following me?"

"I... I have nowhere to go!" Ouyang Yu lowered his head and said softly.

Fortunately, Lan Yao has cultivation, otherwise she would not have heard Ouyang Yu's voice, "Where's your home?"

"I have no home!" Ouyang Yu shook his head and said with heartache.

However, he didn't expect that Ouyang Yu would return to his original home because of his own rescue, and even embark on a path he didn't really want to take.

In order to be able to keep pace with Nangong Yao, he agreed to the academy's invitation to come in and cultivate.

Originally thought that Ouyang Yu would be able to flourish from now on, but he never expected that an accident would make Ouyang Yu a memory forever.

"Brother Ouyang..." Nangong Yao hugged Xiaoguai, crying in pain, "I got you in trouble, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't show up, I'm sorry, Brother Ouyang... "

He only wished he could go back to the past, even if he would rather not know Ouyang Yu than bear the fact that Ouyang Yu left.

Yuan Cheng and the others shook their heads helplessly, turned their heads to look away, and tried not to let themselves cry.

Lan Jinling looked up at the roof, suppressing the tears in her eyes, and took a few deep breaths.

"Yao'er...don't be like this, at least you saved life, and Ouyang Yu will be very happy, so he can rest in peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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