Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 732 The Highest Realm of Pulling People 2

Chapter 732 The Highest Realm of Pulling People 2
The search for good seedlings is of course not limited to martial practitioners and spiritual practitioners, there are also some alchemists, weapon refiners, array mages, etc., but because the first face array mage is almost unique, the people who want to recruit There are only alchemists and weapon refiners.

Of course, Dancheng and Qicheng are also indispensable for recruiting.

And Chen Yongzhi, the lord of the alchemy hall, also brought Yang Kai, the second genius in the alchemy world, to Qilin National Academy.

Chen Yongzhi knew that Nangong Yao was in Qilin Country, so he didn't inform Nangong Yao.

People came one after another, and Nangong Yao didn't have time to retreat and practice, so she simply waited for everything to be settled before breaking through.

When Nangong Yao heard that Chen Yongzhi and Yang Kai were coming, she immediately came out to greet him with Han Feilong.

Both Chen Yongzhi and Yang Kai clasped their fists at Han Feilong, "Brother Han, it's been a long time!"

"It's been a long time. Brother Chen is fine now!" Han Feilong said with a big laugh.

Of course, Han Feilong knew the great master of alchemy on the mainland, and he had also asked him to refine elixirs.

Chen Yongzhi waved his hand, but his face was full of envy, "Oh, I think your food is very good, right? With such a precious apprentice here, who can refine such a good panacea, I don't think you will come here in the future I'm here!"

Han Feilong was taken aback, thinking of Nangong Yao, "Hahaha, good luck!"

"Hallmaster, long time no see!" Nangong Yao stepped forward and said hello.

"You are..." Chen Yongzhi looked suspiciously at Nangong Yao who had regained her appearance, her eyes were also full of astonishment, that there was such a stunning woman.

"Hallmaster, even if you don't recognize my face, you should recognize my voice!" Nangong Yao smiled and asked Chen Yongzhi back.

Yang Kai patted himself on the head and pointed at Nangong Yao, "You...are you Nangong Yao?"

"Yes!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, looked at Chen Yongzhi's shocked and unbelievable expression, and explained with a smile, "Master, in fact, this is my real appearance!"

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it..." Chen Yongzhi could only shake his head helplessly and sighed.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Yao's previous appearance was not real. This is her real appearance. Since the breakthrough, Nangong Yao has become more aura and compelling.

"Before it was a last resort, please forgive me!" Nangong Yao apologized to Chen Yongzhi guiltily.

"It's okay, it's nothing, compared to your alchemy skills, this is nothing!" Chen Yongzhi waved his hands quickly and said with a smile.

"Brother Chen, it's not good to talk outside, let's go in and talk!" Han Feilong said enthusiastically, seeing that there was something wrong with the few people standing outside.

"Okay, let's go in and talk!" Chen Yongzhi nodded immediately, reached out and walked in with Han Feilong.

Yang Kai walked to Nangong Yao's side, looked Nangong Yao up and down, his eyes were full of astonishment, but he still couldn't calm down, "Nangong Yao, are you really Nangong Yao?"

"That's right, it's real!" Nangong Yao said with a smile, opening her arms.

"Oh, I'm really blind!" Yang Kai shook his head helplessly and said with a sigh.

"Hehehe, Brother Yang, I didn't expect that we would meet again. You are also here to participate in the selection, right?" Nangong Yao smiled and asked Yang Kai.

Yang Kai nodded slightly and said, "Yes, every time there is a selection, there will be some people from the alchemy world and the tool refining world, but this year, it's just me and you, but you are originally from the Qilin Kingdom, so I'm the only one here." Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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