Chapter 752
The three of Nangong Yao came to another inn, intending to settle down first.

After walking out of the woods, they saw a city, and the two of them walked towards the city without thinking.

"Cousin, is it really because of my breakthrough?" Nangong Yao still couldn't believe it, wasn't it just a breakthrough?There is even a strange phenomenon, which makes people think that some baby has been born.

Nangong Bo gave Nangong Yao a blank look. This girl didn't even know what an astonishing scene appeared when she broke through by herself. If it wasn't because she knew that Nangong Yao was breaking through, I'm afraid even I thought it was some kind of baby born up.

"Yao'er, I really don't understand, just made a breakthrough? How could there be such a big situation?" Nangong Bo suddenly asked Nangong Yao curiously, "Did you practice something? Secret method?"

Nangong Yao thought for a while, the one who taught her how to practice Fa Jue was an old guy, what they taught her was the same practice of the Five Elements, it must be extraordinary.

"This... I don't know. Didn't you also see my master? He is such a person, what good secret technique can I have!" Nangong Yao said with a somewhat complaining tone.

Nangong Bo thought for a while, yes, that is the first plane, no matter how good it is, it is not necessarily better than the second plane.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't ask you anymore, you are really a pervert, you have to be ready when you break through in the future!" Nangong Bo shook his head helplessly in his heart, and still kindly reminded Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao touched her nose, "Understood, don't worry, next time I won't search for places to break through!"

"This is the best. Look, there are people flying towards the woods!" Nangong Bo looked up and saw groups of people flying towards the woods. They must be looking for treasures.

However, thinking about it, Nangong Bo found it amusing that these guys were cheated away just like that.

Nangong Yao could only touch her nose innocently, the little girl in Nangong Bo's arms.

"Cousin, let me give you a hug. It's not an option to hug Xiaoguai like this. Let's find an inn and stay there first. Let's talk about it when Xiaoguai wakes up!" Nangong Yao wrapped Xiaoguai from Nangong Bo's arms and asked with.

Nangong Bo also nodded in agreement, "Well, okay, I'll listen to you, take a rest first, this little devil also has a certain weight!"

Nangong Yao also smiled helplessly, and walked into an inn with Nangong Bo, first ordered some food, since they came to this fairy world, they have never eaten.

"Cousin, here, but you pay!" Nangong Yao smiled, turned her head and said to Nangong Bo behind her.

"Hehehe, you did it on purpose. What do you mean I'll pay here? It's impossible for you to have only a little money, right?" Nangong Bo shook his head helplessly, and asked Nangong Yao back.

Nangong Yao stuck out her tongue at Nangong Bo, with a mischievous expression on her face.

As soon as they entered the inn, Nan Gongbo and the two bumped into a group of people.

Nangong Bo hurriedly supported Nangong Yao who was hit, "Yaoer! Are you okay?"

"En! It's okay!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly.

"Hey, isn't this Nangong Bo of the Nangong family? It's really a fate!" At this time, a teasing voice came from Nangong Yao's ear.

Nangong Bo raised his head, looked at the young man in front of him, and frowned, "Bei Mingjun! Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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