Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 767 The Three Brothers in Nangong 3

Chapter 767 Three Nangong Brothers 5
"Yao'er, we have reached the Nangong family's sphere of influence now, don't worry that the Beiming family will hurt you, there are still people here to protect you!" Nangong Bo reminded Nangong Yao with concern.

"Don't worry, what can I do!" Nangong Yao comforted and smiled at Xi Oh, "Okay, I won't talk to you for now, I'll take Xiaoguai in and have a rest first!"

Nangong and the three brothers were bored after lunch, and the three of them sat at the table and drank together.

"Third brother, how did you meet your cousin down there?" Nangong He asked Nangong Bo curiously.

No matter how you look at it, Nangong Yao is not the kind of liar, and, with the strength of her formation, it is easy to get a position in this fairy world.

Therefore, Nangong and they immediately accepted Nangong Yao as a cousin.

"Haven't you heard it? Elder Peng didn't say it?" Nangong Bo asked the two brothers suspiciously.

"I heard it, but I still want to hear from you. After all, you are the No. 1 case!" Nangong Xian said with a smile on Nangong Bo's shoulder.

Nangong Bo nodded slightly, "That's right, actually, that time, alas... was teased by Xiaoguai, if it wasn't for Xiaoguai, maybe we wouldn't have met each other!"

Nangong and the two brothers were drinking while listening to Nangong Bo talking about how he met Nangong Yao.

Perhaps it was Xiao Guai's cute behavior that made them all laugh and spit out the wine in their mouths. In the end, they had no choice but to stop drinking and listen to Nangong Bo continue.

"Yuan Hao, Liu Qingfeng!" Nan Gongxian stroked his chin, thinking.

"These two people were able to set up formations, and even Elder Peng couldn't crack them. Could it be that my cousin learned from them?" Nangong He asked Nangong Bo suspiciously.

Nangong Bo shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "I don't know, and I didn't ask!"

"Looking honest, it's really unreliable to do things!" Nangong and the two brothers immediately gave Nangong Bo a blank look.

The despised Nangong Bo suddenly yelled, "Watziao, you guys, what do you mean by being unreliable? Now that he is not with my cousin, if I ask this, will my cousin miss that person? I am not that person." Kind of people!"

"makes sense!"

"Hmph!" Nangong Bo snorted coldly at them.

"Hey, third brother, where are you going? Don't drink with us anymore?" Nangong Xian yelled as he watched Nangong Bo leave.

"It's very unfortunate that you two heartless people who don't understand women's charm will only lead me badly together. I'd better go back and practice!" Nangong Bo said with a blank look.

Looking at Nangong Bo's leaving figure, Nangong and the two looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

"Since he doesn't drink, let's drink it ourselves!"

Nangong Bo was about to go back to his room, but when he passed by Nangong Yao's room, he heard Nangong Yao muttering alone, stopped in his tracks, and leaned against the bed to listen to the voice inside.

"Hao, have you recovered now? Xiaoguai and I have reached the second plane, do you know? You and Qingfeng have paid too much for me. Qingfeng, no matter in the past or in this life, I will I owe you too much. The only person I love is Hao alone... Xiaoguai, tell me, what is your father doing now? I don’t know if he talks to other women? If you dare to say a word, we don’t want you Daddy!"

Nangong Bo was sweating profusely when he heard what Nangong Yao said in the room. It was a tender word before, but now it was a harsh word, which made him shiver unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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