Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 770 Nangong Family 3

Chapter 770 Returning to the Nangong Family 3
Hearing that Nangong Yao was back, Lan Jinling and the others also ran out when they heard the good news.

However, Lan Jinling rushed to the front, came to the square, saw Nangong Yao's figure, ran over happily, "Yao'er!"

"Brother Ling?" Nangong Yao turned her head, but was already hugged by Lan Jinling.

"Great, you're fine, I'm worried about you, you know?" Lan Jinling hugged Nangong Yao tightly and said with a sigh of relief.

Nangong Yao patted Lan Jinling's back, comforting, "Brother Ling, don't worry, I'm fine now, am I back?"

"Silly girl, don't do such stupid things again, you know? Do you know that I... we are all very worried about you!" Lan Jinling let go of Nangong Yao, touched her forehead, and took a few Said in a scolding tone.

"En!" Nangong Yao could only nod her head, "Okay, brother Ling, there are so many people watching!"

"As long as you don't do stupid things again!" Lan Jinling also noticed the surrounding situation, and quickly let go of Nangong Yao.

"Okay, this is the only relic left by brother Ouyang to Xiaoguai, I can't let him just lose it like this!" Nangong Yao quickly explained, "It will never happen again in the future!"

"As long as it's okay!" Lan Jinling patted Nangong Yao's head and said dotingly.

"I've met the patriarch, elders!" Yuan Cheng and the others also came up, clasping their fists.

"Brother, why are you all here!" Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Cheng and the others happily.

"Knowing that you're here, everyone came to see you, Junior Sister, are you okay?" Yuan Cheng asked Nangong Yao with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry, what can I do!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly.

Zhan Yun covered his head and sighed, "Oh my god, Nangong, you... you are perverted, you broke through to the Xuan level so quickly, you are still not human!"

Hearing Zhan Yun's cry, Yuan Cheng and the others turned their attention to Nangong Yao's cultivation. Unexpectedly, according to Nangong Yao's cultivation, she broke through to Xuan rank, which really surprised them.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, touched her nose, and said awkwardly, "No, I don't know how I broke through, I think it will take a while! I broke through suddenly, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

Hearing Nangong Yao's tone, everyone wanted to rush up and beat her up, it was really shocking.

"Pervert, it's simply pervert!" Yang Kai couldn't help shouting at Nangong Yao, "A master of the Xuan rank, a master of alchemy, and a master of weapon refining, you still let people live!"

"Refining?" Nangong Bo and others were puzzled when they heard Yang Kai's words.

And the refiner?No way?

"Cousin, do you know how to refine weapons?" Nangong Xian asked Nangong Yao in astonishment.

Nangong Yao touched her nose, and said awkwardly, "I have practiced a few times, but I only got a few useless fairy weapons!"

"It's just a waste fairy weapon?" Geng Yafei was so stimulated by Nangong Yao's words that he vomited blood.

Nangong Wenbin pressed his fingers and muttered, "Refining? Alchemy? Formation? My God, why do I have such a granddaughter? How did my daughter come into being? Is it really the seed of my Nangong family? "

Nangong Junhua who was standing beside Nangong Wenbin rolled his eyes, didn't you give birth to it yourself?Doubt!
"Refining? Alchemy? Formation? Knowing all? She is still not human!" Nangong Lei also pulled her fingers, depressed, and sighed in astonishment in her heart, how is this possible!
(End of this chapter)

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