Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 772 The Nangong Family’s Pervert 1

Chapter 772 The Nangong Family’s Pervert 1
Looking at Nangong Yan's figure, everyone in the Nangong family was shocked.

"This is Miss Yan?"

"It looks exactly like the old lady!"

"It should be Miss Yan!"


"Mother, is it you? You didn't die? That's great!" Nangong Yao wanted to run up, but was stopped by Nangong Yan.

"Yao'er, I'm sorry, mother is indeed dead!" Nangong Yan shook her head and said.

"But, aren't you alive? Mother..."

"Yao'er, mother, this is just a soul, there is only a trace of soul left, it is all thanks to Yuan Hao, he is the one who saved the last trace of mother's soul, so that mother can leave with peace of mind after seeing her family!" Nangong Yan smiled, and immediately explained to Nangong Yao.

If she doesn't explain, Nangong Yao will think she is not dead.

"Mother, don't go, Yao'er doesn't want you to go!" Nangong Yao shook her head slightly, and called to Nangong Yan.

"Silly boy, mother will leave sooner or later, and you will eventually grow up too! Mother believes that you will be happy!" Nangong Yan looked at Nangong Yao in relief.

Nangong Yao knelt on the ground, crying and looking at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Wenbin looked at Nangong Yan in astonishment, "Yan'er? Is that you?"

"Well, Dad, it was your tears that awakened my sleeping soul!" Nangong Yan nodded slightly, "I never thought that I would see my family again! I thought..."

"Yan'er, it's dad who's sorry for you, it's dad who didn't look for you!" Nangong Wenbin said guiltily.

"Father, I don't blame you, I don't blame you at all! Really! I can only blame my daughter for not having this blessing, nor this fate!" Nangongyan shook her head slightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Father, my daughter's wish It's over, my daughter is gone, I hope you can help her take good care of Yao'er, can you? This is the last request of a daughter!"

"Even if you don't tell me, I will definitely take good care of Yao'er. Don't worry, as long as I, Nangong Wenbin, am here, I will never let her suffer any harm!" Nangong Wenbin nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Dad, this way, I can leave with peace of mind!" Nangong Yan's body gradually became transparent and disappeared gradually.

Nangong Yao's pupils contracted, watching Nangong Yan's disappearing figure, "Mother...Mother...Mother, don't go! Don't leave Yao'er behind! Mother..."

"Yao'er, don't get excited, Second Aunt has already left!" Lan Jinling quickly hugged Nangong Yao, persuading her.

"Brother Ling, I want mother, mother..." Nangong Yao shook her head, looking at Nangong Yan's disappearing figure, she was very excited.

"Yao'er!" Lan Jinling hugged Nangong Yao tightly, allowing her to hit her.

"Mother..." Nangong Yao watched Nangong Yan disappear.

At the moment when Nangong Yan's figure disappeared, Nangong Yao felt that her primordial spirit was a little unstable, as if she was about to leave her body, and the two primordial spirits were pulling in her body.

"Ah!" Nangong Yao rushed away from her body with her head in her hands, with a "boom", a gust of wind blew up.

Lan Jinling, who was originally holding Nangong Yao, was shocked back a few steps, looked up at Nangong Yao, "Yao'er!"

Nangong Wenbin and the others looked at Nangong Yao anxiously.

"Pfft..." Nangong Yao swayed slightly, looking at the people of the Nangong family, spitting blood and falling to the ground, Lan Jinling was the first to react, rushed up and hugged Nangong Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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