Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 783 The little boy makes a big fuss in the Nangong family 6

Chapter 783 The little boy makes a big fuss in the Nangong family 6
"It's smelled!" Xiao Guai said as a matter of course.

"Smell it? Can you smell it?" Nangong Shuixin asked Xiaoguai in shock.

Xiaoguai nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, that is necessary. You can't even smell it, so how can you make alchemy? Mother said, you must first practice your sense of smell, and then you can teach Xiaoguai how to make alchemy!"

"Your mother can know what's going on inside the alchemy furnace by smelling it?" Nangong Shuixin asked Xiaoguai in astonishment.

Xiaoguai thought for a while, then nodded heavily, "Of course, Xiaoguai's mother is the best, number one in the world!"

Hearing Xiaoguai's words, Nangong Shuixin immediately wanted to meet this Xiaoguai's mother, "Then where is your mother? Take me to see her!"

"Xiaoguai doesn't know where mother has gone. Xiaoguai didn't see mother when she woke up. If you want to know, you can go to Azu!" Xiaoguai immediately explained.

"Then who is your ancestor? Take me there!" Nangong Shuixin hurriedly asked Xiaoguai again.

Xiaoguai thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't know where Azu is!"

"Then what's your ancestor's name?" Nangong Shuixin thought for a while, this is the Nangong family, there is no one he doesn't know, just tell the name and find it yourself!

"Little Guai doesn't know either!" Xiao Guai scratched her head and said innocently.

"Why don't you know anything!" Nangong Shuixin was going crazy, he really didn't know anything.

Xiaoguai squinted her little mouth with an innocent face, "Little boy is only two years old, how does Xiaoguai know!"

"Eh..." Nangong Shuixin seemed to realize that Xiaoguai was only two years old, and was immediately a little ashamed.

Nangongfeng was confused by Nangong Shuixin's actions, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"This kid is not simple. I just failed in alchemy before this kid came in. I didn't expect this kid to smell it, so I want to ask, who is his mother!" Nangong Shuixin immediately said softly. Nangongfeng explained in his ear.

Nangongfeng was stunned when he heard Nangong Shuixin's explanation, what did he hear just now?

Such a little kid with a bigger fart can smell the failure of alchemy just by smelling it?How is this possible!
"Little boy, who do you know? Take uncle!" Nangong Shuixin immediately asked Xiaoguai impatiently.

Xiaoguai scratched her head and thought, "Well, there are three cousins, but Xiaoguai doesn't know their names! I only know that the third cousin is called Nangong Bo! Well, it's called Nangong Bo!"

"Third young master?" Nangong Shuixin and Nangong Feng turned their heads to look at each other.

Who is this kid?Uncle Nangong Bosan?The relationship seems unusual!

"Then what's your mother's name?" Nangongfeng immediately asked Xiaoguai.

"My mother is called Universe Thunderbolt Invincible, beautiful, enchanting, gentle, kind, and fascinated thousands of handsome men..." Xiaoguai introduced Nangong Yao very narcissistically, but it also made Nangong Shuixin dizzy.

How can someone introduce his mother like this?

"Stop, stop, stop... Xiaoguai, we're asking you, what's your mother's name? It only needs four words at most!" Nangongfeng immediately stopped Xiaoguai from continuing.

"Mother's name is only three characters! Where did the four characters come from!" Xiaoguai said angrily, "Don't think that Xiaoguai is stupid, Xiaoguai is very smart, a genius child! Do you know?"

"Uh... I know I know!" Nangong Feng was suddenly depressed, "Okay, okay, what's your mother's name?"

"Nangong Yao!"

(End of this chapter)

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