Chapter 787
"Mother!" Xiaoguai cried out happily when she saw Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao was woken up by Xiaoguai's cry, saw Xiaoguai throwing herself into her arms, rubbing against her, and smiled, "Xiaoguai, are you awake?"

"En!" Xiaoguai nodded, blinking her watery eyes aggrievedly, and looked at Nangong Yao, "Mother, Xiaoguai didn't see Mother after waking up, Xiaoguai thought Mother didn't want Xiaoguai anymore, Xiaoguai Be good and be afraid!"

"Okay, it's mother's fault, who made you sleep there all the time, you didn't even know your father had been here!" Nangong Yao said dotingly, pointing to the tip of Xiaoguai's nose helplessly.

"Ah? Daddy has been here? Why doesn't Xiaoguai know?" Xiaoguai was shocked and asked Nangong Yao curiously.

"Help you, you've been asleep for almost two months, and you're only waking up now!" Nangong Yao rolled her eyes at the little girl, "Okay, have you taken your nap?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoguai immediately nodded happily, "Mother, Azu is so fun, let's go and play with Azu?"

"You brat, don't be too big or too young!" Nangong Yao urged Xiaoguai to get up and helped him get dressed, "Get up quickly, don't lie on the bed!"

"Hehehe..." Xiaoguai smiled mischievously at Nangong Yao.

Xiaoguai followed Nangong Yao, "Mother, wait for Xiaoguai, Xiaoguai can't keep up with you!"

"You can't keep up with me with your speed? Don't lie!" Nangong Yao gave Xiaoguai a white look.

Xiaoguai pouted her little mouth, stepped forward quickly, grabbed Nangong Yao's finger and held it, "Hmph, I know how to bully Xiaoguai, a child!"

Nangong Yao gave a blank look to herself, just you child, maybe even those old and mature people will be fooled by your cute expression when you go out, you are simply an experienced little liar.

Now, Nangong Yao was a little suspicious secretly, who gave birth to this little boy?Are you so black-bellied?Do you have such a strong ability to be cute?

It's definitely that guy Yuan Hao. When I saw him before, he was so black-bellied and full of bad things.

Thinking about it now, at that time, I was really a little upset. Fortunately, after that, Yuan Hao was very gentle to himself, probably because of Liu Qingfeng, he was not so dark-bellied anymore, and just wanted to use tenderness to win him over.

Although she has become gentler, it still makes her feel that this is still full of bad water.

"Mother, what are you thinking?" Suddenly Nangong Yao stopped after thinking about it, and the little girl looked up at the blush on Nangong Yao's face suspiciously, and asked curiously.

Nangong Yao was taken aback for a moment, then she recovered and shook her head, "It's nothing!"

Xiaoguai smiled and asked understandingly, "Mother, do you miss Daddy?"

"Who said you miss your father? Don't talk nonsense!" Nangong Yao immediately felt ashamed when Xiaoguai guessed the fox's tail, and immediately retorted stubbornly.

"Oh, well, I don't want Daddy, so when Daddy comes, Xiaoguai will tell Daddy that Mother doesn't miss him a little bit, and ask Daddy not to come back in the future! It is typical for Xiaoguai to accompany Daddy. If you have a son, you forget about your husband!" Xiao Guai lowered her head and said shaking her head.

"Pound!" Nangong Yao slapped Xiao Guai on the head, "Stinky boy, you dare to threaten your mother, are you tired of work? Be careful, I will stuff you into the furnace for refining!"

"How is it stuffed?" Xiaoguai asked Nangong Yao curiously.

Nangong Yao rolled her eyes and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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