Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 796 Ancestor Worship, Retreat 1

Chapter 796 Ancestor Worship, Retreat 1
The next day is the first day of the Chinese New Year, and the ancestors are officially worshiped.

Both Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai will soon be direct descendants of the Nangong family, so they all appeared in costumes.

Lan Jinling and the others were astonished when they saw Nangong Yao and Xiao Guai dressed in fancy dress. They had seen Nangong Yao before, but they had never seen such a stunning Nangong Yao.

It is true that people rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on clothes!It's a beautiful dance!

Nangong Yao smiled and put her hands on her stomach, standing behind Nangong Wenbin.

Nangong Wenbin reminded softly in Nangong Yao's ear, "Wait a while to worship the ancestors and heaven, and then it's your turn to bring your mother's ashes, and Xiaoguai will perform the ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan!"

"Okay! Grandpa!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly.

The child's little boy was very curious about the lively scene in front of him, and held Nangong Yao's skirt with his little hand, "Mother, there are so many people here, it's so lively!"

"Little boy, don't talk nonsense from now on, do you understand?" Nangong Yao softly made a mute gesture and instructed.

"Well, Xiaoguai understands!" Xiaoguai nodded obediently, but still looked at her head, curiously watching the activities in front of her.

Lan Jinling and the others belonged to the periphery and had not entered the Nangong family, so they could only be regarded as the most peripheral, just like other disciples of the Nangong family.

Except for some grand elders and elders who are closed to death, almost all who can come have already come.

Many elders heard that many good seedlings were found this year, so they all came out to have a look, and also heard that Nangong Yan's daughter came back to recognize her ancestors, so they also came to see and join in the fun.

Nangong Yao followed the people of the Nangong family to worship the ancestors and the sky together, but this made Nangong Yao very depressed. This worship to the sky is okay, but to worship the ancestors, are these ancestors already dead?Could it be the first ancestor of the Nangong family?They should be in the same era as Hao and the others, right?
There is no need for Nangong Yao to think about these, she is still obediently offering sacrifices to her ancestors, and now she belongs to the Nangong family.

Xiaoguai was already a little impatient, but it was almost over, and it was Nangong Yao's turn next.

Nangong Yao was holding Nangong Yan's ashes, and Xiaoguai followed Nangong Yao on the path in the middle.

All the members of the Nangong family looked at Nangong Yao, watching her walk slowly towards the ancestral hall.

Faced with this situation, Nangong Yao didn't care much at all. She was still the young patriarch of a family on Earth, and there were many such things to worship ancestors, once a year. Therefore, Nangong Yao was not nervous at all, and calmly led Following Nangong Yan, she entered the ancestral hall.


Nangong Yao knelt on the ground, holding the urn in both hands, facing all the rankings of the Nangong family.

Nangong Wenbin was very happy to see his daughter return to the family. Although this is only the return of the ashes, it is better than not coming back. Besides, now he has his granddaughter and great-grandson here!
Nangong Yao knelt on the ground, handed the ashes in her hand to the elders, and asked them to put the urn on the side of the row, so that someone would set up a tablet for her mother later.

The Supreme Elder respectfully presided over Nangong Yao's ancestry recognition, and the little boy was also unusually well-behaved, with a straight body and a serious face.

This is not a game. Before this, Nangong Yao had told Xiaoguai well that he must not make mistakes. Whatever the elders asked him to do, he would do it.

(End of this chapter)

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