Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 812 Encountering Dongfang Yi 1

Chapter 812 Encountering Dongfang Yi 1
Nangong Yao squatted down slightly, turned her head to see what kind of treasures were around, if she could find them, good things, pick them first.

Nangong Bo shook his head helplessly, and could only silently mourn for Dongfang Yi for 3 minutes. The people who were tricked by Nangong Yao are probably the most tragic ones. Nangong Fei is an example.

Dongfang Yi and the others focused on the two monsters. Nangong Yao sniffed his nose and looked around for any good things.

Just when Nangong Yao was dissatisfied that she couldn't find any good things, there was a cave on the mountainside from Nangong Yao's two o'clock direction, and there was a little bit of faint light inside. Only good things can have such a strange phenomenon.

"Found it!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly and clacked her hands.

"Found it? What treasure? Where is it?" As soon as Nangong Yao said that he found it, Nangong Bo immediately asked curiously.

"Where is this... you ask so many questions!" Nangong Yao rolled her eyes at the idiot Nangong Yao, "Come with me, otherwise, just stay here and don't move!"

"Hey, Yao'er, don't go! I'm going too!" Nangong Bo hurriedly yelled at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao turned her head and glared at Nangong Bo fiercely, "Why are you shouting loudly! If you shout again, you will be dumbfounded!"

"Woooooo..." Nangong Bo quickly covered his mouth, and looked at Nangong Yao aggrieved, oh my god, I'm your cousin!How could you do this to your cousin!

Taking advantage of the dense forest in the jungle, Nangong Yao quickly walked to the mountainside.

Nangong Yao leaned on her upper arm, glanced at Dongfang Yi and the others who were concentrating on fighting, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "You can take care of this trouble for Miss Ben, and I will come to help you solve problems after I have taken good things , the two of us are in debt!"

Nangong Yao walked into the cave cautiously, following the light.

Looking at the dark mountain walls all around, Nangong Yao carefully walked every step, turning her head to look around.

"The aura here is better than outside. No wonder there are treasures appearing, and it's no wonder Dongfang Yi puts so much effort into it. Hehehe, but this still makes me take advantage!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly. laugh.

Nangong Yao walked to the top of the cave, and looked at the green vines coiled on the rock wall of the cave in front of her. There were six red fruits on the green vines, which looked like cherry tomatoes.

"This is, is it the Qilin fruit?" Nangong Yao walked to the edge of the stone wall and asked herself in doubt. Thinking about the memory in her mind, she was sure that it was indeed the legendary Qilin fruit. This is not an ordinary spiritual fruit ah!
"Great!" Nangong Yao excitedly picked the fruit from the green vine, wiped the dust off it, and smiled triumphantly.

Nangong Yao was very proud of picking all six fruits from the green vine.

"I really want to thank this Dongfang Yi this time!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly, turned around and walked out, "Now it's time to go out and save this Dongfang Yi!"

Nangong Yao walked near the entrance of the cave, glanced at Dongfang Yi who was still busy outside the valley, and quickly squatted down and let Wuhen out, "Wuhen, you arrange it according to what I told you, hurry up!"

Wuhen gave Nangong Yao a blank look, thinking that she was going to let herself out to play, but unexpectedly, she took herself as an errand as soon as she came out.

(End of this chapter)

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