Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 816 Encountering Dongfang Yi 5

Chapter 816 Encountering Dongfang Yi 5
Xiaoguai gave Nangong Fei a blank look. This guy is simply too stupid and stupid. He doesn't even know that it was made by his mother. I really don't know how he survived!
Xiaoguai, this is a misunderstanding of poor Nangong Fei, who doesn't know that Nangong Yao can form formations at all!

"Cousin, we don't talk to this idiot!" Xiaoguai lay on Nangonghe's shoulder, patting him with contempt and said.

Nangonghe smiled awkwardly, "Hehehe, that's right!"

"Hey, you two, aren't you worried about your cousin, your mother?" Nangong Fei asked Nangong and them angrily and anxiously.

Xiaoguai and Nangonghe rolled a blank look at Nangongfei at the same time, "Why are you worried? Are you worried?"

"You..." Nangong Fei pointed at Nangong and the two of them, not knowing what to say for a moment.

While Nangong Fei and the others were struggling, Nangong Yao was fighting two monsters with formations in the valley.

But Dongfang Yi and the others were startled by Nangong Yao and stared wide-eyed in astonishment.

"This is the third son of the Nangong family, right? this girl?" One of the members of the Dongfang family couldn't bear his temper and asked Nangong Bo.

"She? It's my cousin! Nangong Yao!" Nangong Bo smiled and said, "Have you never heard of it?"

Hearing the words "Nangong Yao", several members of the Dongfang family were dumbfounded, except of course Dongfang Yi who was immersed in Nangong Yao's beauty.

"Nangong Yao? Is that Nangong Yao?"

"In the family, let's pay more attention to this Nangong Yao who came from the first plane?"

"How is this possible? This Nangong Yao must have only been here for a year! How could it be possible that she is already at the ground level?"

"My God, is this the purpose of the family to make everyone pay attention to Nangong Yao? Isn't this talent too heaven-defying?"

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken, this woman indeed has a cultivation level of the earth level! The ability I feel is unmistakable!"

"Unless the cultivation level is higher than mine, the other party deliberately lowered his cultivation level! But this is absolutely impossible. Nangong Yao is from the first plane. It is said that she is the daughter of Nangong Yan. It is impossible to be a hundred years old. !..."

Now the members of the Dongfang family don't know what to think, their heads are blank.

Nangong Yao's behavior really surprised them all.

Nangong Yao flew towards Nangong Bo, smiled, "Cousin!"

"Cousin, you are still so powerful! This formation seems to be very powerful!" Nangong Bo said with a smile.

"Of course, cousin, don't think that your cousin is the kind of lazy person, but I am always improving my formation, not letting the enemy take advantage of it, and making my formation even more powerful." Full of power!"

"Hehehe, yes, of course, you are the most powerful cousin, and also the smartest!" Nangong Bo quickly flattered his cousin.

"A sycophant, I know how to flatter, so I won't listen!" Nangong Yao smiled triumphantly, and said, "However, I don't care if I listen to it for a while!"

Nangong Bo secretly despised in his heart, he didn't like to hear these words!Duplicity!
"Cousin!" Nangong Yao suddenly approached Nangong Bo's face, her eyes seemed to be able to see the bottom of his heart.

"Wow!" Nangong Bo exclaimed, and took a step back, "Hey, hey, cousin, what are you doing! Why are you so close!"

(End of this chapter)

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