Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 826 The Tragic Young Master of Beiming 5

Chapter 826 The Tragic Young Master of Beiming 5
"Are you Nangong Yao from the Nangong family?" Ximen Hong asked Nangong Yao in disbelief.

At this time, Ximen Hong secretly expected in his heart that someone from the Nangong family was pretending to be Nangong Yao.

Just a joke, those of the Ximen family who came from the first plane have not yet come out. From the previous information, it can be seen that none of them will definitely not come out in a year or two.

However, Nangong Yao left the customs in less than a year, and broke through to the ground level in only eight months.

"Oh, maybe you haven't seen me before!" Nangong Yao smiled and introduced herself very wittily, "Young Patriarch Ximen, right? My name is Nangong Yao, and I am the daughter of Nangong Junhua's own sister. , I’m 17 years old this year! I seem to remember that before I was 13 years old, I couldn’t find a suitable practice method because of my physique, so I was a waste for 13 years, and I was accepted as an apprentice by my master on my 13th birthday. Counting it now, it only took four years!"

This time, not only Ximen Hong vomited blood, but even Nangong Fei and the others vomited blood crazily!

How can it be!four years?No way?How is this possible!
Everyone looked at Nangong Yao with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

"Four years? You really only used it for four years?" Ximen Hong pointed at Nangong Yao with trembling fingers and asked.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, blinked her winking eyes, and nodded slightly, "Yes, you are right, it is indeed four years!"

"No...impossible!" Ximen Hong still shouted in disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, you can go down and ask, uh...but it's impossible to go down, of course you can listen to those who come up, but some small people may not know me, only those big people know me!" Nangong Yao seemed With a face that didn't see the situation clearly at all, he explained it very kindly.

"Pfft..." Ximen Hong really vomited blood this time, really spit out bright red blood.

"Young master!" Several guards behind Ximen Hong hurriedly supported Ximen Hong and shouted.

"Young master, are you alright?" Seeing Ximen Hong vomiting blood, they were very worried, for fear that something happened to Ximen Hong, and they would be punished when they went back.

Although Nangong Fei and the others were very surprised, they were not as exaggerated as Ximen Hong, and they even vomited blood.

This is of course, after all, Ximen Hong has always boasted that his talent is the best in this fairy world, but now, looking at the situation, it seems that it is not the case. Compared with Nangong Yao, it is really a heaven and an earth.

However, at this time, Nangong Fei and the others were not that stupid, to ask Nangong Yao if what she said was true, this was also a rare opportunity to embarrass Ximen Hong, how could they miss it?

Seeing Ximen Hong vomit blood, Nangong Yao was also extremely astonished, and she did not expect to be so shocked that she vomited blood.

Xiaoguai grabbed Nangong Yao's clothes, and looked at Ximen Hong curiously with a pair of dark eyes. It was strange, there was no fight, why did this uncle vomit blood?
"Mother, mother, why is this uncle vomiting blood? Is this uncle suffering from some terminal illness!" Xiaoguai hurriedly pulled Nangong Yao's clothes and asked curiously, "This uncle is so pitiful, he is dying It won't be long!"

"Pfft..." After listening to Xiaoguai's words, Ximen Hong vomited blood again.

(End of this chapter)

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