Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 829 The Three Brothers Who Were Eaten 3

Chapter 829 The Three Brothers Who Were Eaten 3
"Little ghost, let me tell you, you can't eat this casually, the old ones can be used as chocolate for you, but these mothers are useful!" Nangong Yao pointed at the little girl and said seriously.

"But...but it's okay to give Xiaoguai one or two!" Xiaoguai poked her aggrieved little fingers at each other, and said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay, darling, don't be so wronged. Uncle Biao has it here. Uncle Biao will give you as much as you want!" Nangonghe quickly comforted Xiaoguai, and said, stroking his head.

"Really?" Xiaoguai asked Nangonghe with happy eyes.

"Yes, both of you express it too!" Nangong He gave Nangong Fei and Nangong Bo a hard look.

"Yes, yes! Some of our panaceas can also be given to you!" Nangong Bo smiled awkwardly, nodded and said.

"Okay, okay! Hurry up, little boy wants it!" Xiaoguai immediately stretched out his little hand very rudely, begging for them.

Nangong Yao looked at Nangong and the three of them sympathetically. I'm afraid that the three of them will be eaten up by Xiao Guai, but it would be better to refine some more useful panacea for them.

"Okay, three cousins, during this period of time, I will leave the little girl to you to take care of first, and I will go first!" Nangong Yao smiled and said, "When the time comes, if you refine any good spirit Dan, I'll give you some!"

"Let's do whatever we want!" Nangong and they didn't care too much about the panacea that Nangong Yao refined, and said indifferently, they didn't think she could refine any super panacea.

Nangong Yao didn't care, she came to her room alone, took out the alchemy furnace that Liu Qingfeng gave her and started preparing for alchemy.

In order to avoid letting Dongfang Yi know that she stole the unicorn fruit, Nangong Yao was the first to think of the unicorn fruit and refine the elixir of the unicorn fruit first.

But after thinking about it, the panacea for refining unicorn fruit seems to be a very advanced panacea.

"Oh, forget it, take your time first, don't worry, hide this well first, and then refine better things when the level is up!" Nangong Yao smiled and put the Qilin fruit back in.

Nangong Yao is practicing alchemy in Fangzhong, no matter what the little girl outside does, she will punish Nangong and the three of them.

Nangong and looked aggrieved at the little boy who was eating vigorously. This little girl was so tough when he started to eat the panacea. This was his fourth and fifth grade panacea!The energy contained in the panacea is not something ordinary people can bear.

But Xiaoguai sat on the chair leisurely and contentedly, her little feet were dangling in the air, and her little hands kept stuffing the elixir into her mouth.

"My little ancestor, don't eat any more, be careful that you're full!" Nangonghe quickly persuaded Xiaoguai.

"No, Xiaoguai wants to eat, and it's been a long time!" Xiaoguai immediately held the elixir in both hands, and stared at Nangonghe fiercely.

"Little boy, look, there is a lot of energy in this panacea, how can you bear it with such a small body!" Nangong Bo also gently persuaded Xiaoguai.

Nangong Fei also worriedly persuaded Xiao Guai, "Little Guai, be obedient, just eat this little bit, you've already eaten a dozen of them!"

"No, Xiaoguai wants to eat!" Xiaoguai complained while looking at her small mouth.

Nangong and the three of them are sweating, how can anyone eat panacea like this, it's like eating sugar!I am afraid that only Nangong Yao can afford such a foodie.

(End of this chapter)

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