Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 832 Three Big Families Propose Marriage 3

Chapter 832 Three Great Families Propose Marriage 1
After sleeping for three days, the little boy still hasn't woken up, probably because he ate too many panacea at once and hasn't digested it yet.

And Xiao Guai's actions made Nangong Fei and the others even more depressed for a while, wishing they were going to hit the wall.

Xiaoguai was sleeping, and it was rare for Nangong Yao to take a vacation.

But accidentally met a person who met in guessing lantern riddles.

"Miss Nangong, we meet again!"

Nangong Yao came back to her senses, looked at the person in front of her, and clasped her hands together, "Yes, Liu Feng, I never expected to meet you here!"

"Yeah, I'm looking for some elixir around here, and I just came out of the mountain today!" Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Really? We also went to the mountains before, and it's been a while since we came back. Although we didn't meet in the mountains, we met outside!" Nangong Yao was also quite surprised.

"Miss Nangong, since we are so destined, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea?" Liu Feng glanced at a teahouse on the side, stretched out his hand and said.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Nangong Yao also nodded, stretched out her hand and entered the tea house with Liufeng.

"Miss Nangong, long time no see, your cultivation has improved again!" Liu Feng said with a smile while pouring tea for Nangong Yao.

"It's okay, it's just that I've been in seclusion for a while, and I just came out now!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

Liufeng smiled, and chatted with Nangongyao, it was getting late and the sun had already set.

"It's already so late, Big Brother Liu, do you have a place to stay?" Nangong Yao asked Liufeng with concern.

Liu Feng shrugged his shoulders, shook his head slightly and said, "I just came out of it, and I haven't found a place to live yet!"

"That's good, you can go to my place, I still have a lot of vacant rooms!" Nangong Yao smiled and said quickly, "In this way, I can communicate more with Big Brother Liu!"

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Liu Feng stood up with his fists in his hands, and walked out of the tea house with Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao went out for a long time, Nangong Fei and the others were very worried, they circled outside the door, looking outside.

"Yao'er?" Seeing Nangong Yao's faint figure, Nangong Fei hurried over.

Nangong Yao smiled and said, "Cousin, why are you here?"

Hearing Nangong Yao's words, Nangong Fei blamed her very unhappily, "You asked me why I was there, you are really naughtier than Xiaoguai! You don't even know the time is back!"

"Oh!" Nangong Yao poked her wronged hands at each other, lowered her head and apologized, "I didn't do it on purpose, it's rare to go out for a while, and when I meet someone I can chat with, I forget the time!"

Nangong Fei could only shake his head helplessly, and patted Nangong Yao's head, "Okay, since that's the case, then you should know to come back, do you know that everyone is very worried about you!"

"Well, I see!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, smiled and hugged Nangong Fei's arm and said, "Okay, cousin, let's go in quickly, hurry up and get someone to prepare a room, brother Liu, Come in quickly!"

"Yeah!" Liu Feng nodded slightly, and looked at Nangong Fei.

Nangong Fei asked Nangong Yao suspiciously, "Yaoer, who is he?"

"He? It's a friend I met when I was guessing lantern riddles this year, and I met again this time, so I talked a little more, so I came back so late!" Nangong Yao immediately explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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