Chapter 846

Almost all disciples of the younger generation, such as Nangong He, came to Nangong Yao's small courtyard.

"Yao'er, you are really famous in the entire fairy world this time!"

"That's right, Sister Yao'er, you're really making a big splash by recruiting relatives through martial arts competitions. Many families have heard the news and come here, no matter if it's a big family or a small family, they all want to join in the fun!"

"Looking at this competition, it is estimated that hundreds of people will be able to participate in this competition!"

"That's right, Yao'er, when the time comes, you only need to wink at them, and you can make them do their best and shed their blood for you!"

"Hahaha, it's not that serious, is it?"

"Actually, it's about the same!"


Everyone chatted and played around with each other.

Nangong Yao propped her chin helplessly, and said, "Oh, anyway, I'm just messing around. By the way, is five months enough?"

"Five months should be enough!" Nangong He said with a slight nod.

"That's good, let them come over quickly, and then there will be excitement to watch!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

Nan Gongbo said helplessly, "Yao'er, don't you really worry about yourself at all? If someone really wins, there must be someone who is No.1, and you will marry him by then, Are you really going to?"

"Marry? How could it be that I'm just playing for fun this time. Someone will wipe my ass at that time, don't worry!" Nangong Yao waved her hand and said with a smile, "However, I just don't know the last Who will win!"

"We are also looking forward to it!" Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard it, looking forward to it.

Nangong Yao suddenly asked Nangonghe and the others curiously, "By the way, is there anyone from our own family participating in this martial arts competition?"

"Our family also has some, and they are all remote collaterals!" Nangong Fei immediately explained, "It's also for the bloodline!"

"Well, that's right, if it's remote, it's almost the same, but can talent be achieved?" Nangong Yao asked them suspiciously.

"There are still a few talents that can be obtained, but they are not very good! It can only be regarded as meeting the requirements!" Nangong He said with a wry smile.

"Anyway, I don't care!" Nangong Yao shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "I'll leave this matter to you anyway. After the next year, there will be martial arts competitions to recruit relatives, and everyone will be busy!"


At this time, Liu Feng led Xiaoguai into the room.

When Xiao Guai saw Nangong Yao, she immediately ran into Nangong Yao's arms, "Mother, mother, hug..."

"You child!" Nangong Yao helplessly touched Xiao Guai, and hugged him on her lap.

Liu Feng clasped his fists at Nangong and them, and said to Nangong Yao, "Miss Nangong, are you really determined to engage in this contest to recruit relatives?"

"Yes, Brother Liu, it's really thanks to you!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

"Oh, don't say it, I'm a little embarrassed if you say it again, thinking that I made such a big thing!" Liu Feng said helplessly.

"It's okay, this is a good solution you thought of for me. If I don't solve it, I don't choose one of them. Maybe the trouble will be even bigger. Only competition can be regarded as the most peaceful solution!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

Liu Feng sat on a stool given by a Nangong disciple, and said, "By the way, Miss Nangong, I wonder if I have the opportunity to participate in this competition?"

 Today's tenth watch is over, recommendation: "Imperial Pet Doctor Concubine, Prince, Please Lie Well" [Strong women and strong men, black-bellied and cool text, guaranteed quality]

  There is also a finished article, "Poisonous Concubine Mighty: Leng Wang Dotes on His Wife Only"

  The authors are all your writers!You can search for the pseudonym: Yanyunmeng


(End of this chapter)

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