Chapter 851
"Hmph, I don't know who is crying!" Nangong Yao snorted in dissatisfaction, raised her head and raised her chest.

Although Lan Jinling knew that Nangong Yao could leapfrog the battle, she was still very worried about her and persuaded, "Yaoer, I think it's better not to have it?"

"Brother Ling, don't worry, he can't do anything to me!" Nangong Yao showed an arrogant smile, which made Lan Jinling feel relieved.

Lan Jinling sighed, and could only nod her head, "Oh, all right! Anyway, I'll listen to you!"

Nangong Yao smiled happily and asked Lan Jinling to step aside.

Dugu Yun put away his magic beast, and Nangong Yao stood facing each other and looked at each other.

Nangong Yao took out her soul-chasing sword and faced Dugu Yun.

Dugu Yun sneered, and also took out his own sword, and the tip of the sword plunged straight into the ground.

"Let's get started!" Nangong Yao sneered, and rushed towards Dugu Yun preemptively.

Even if Nangong Yao rushed over first, Dugu Yun was still vigilant, raised the long sword in his hand, and faced Nangong Yao's attack.

Lan Jinling stepped back for a while, looking anxiously at Nangong Yao who was fighting Dugu Yun.

Dugu Yun, who was fighting against Nangong Yao, felt a layer of consternation in his heart, "Hmph, I didn't expect this woman's movement to be so weird! But even so, there's nothing I can do!"

"Dugu Yun, right? This is the first time I've fought against people here, and it's also the first time I've used my own swordsmanship. Let you experience it. Nangong Yao's own swordsmanship!" Nangong Yao sneered With a sound, the whole person was like a dancing butterfly, backed up six steps, slowly fell to the ground, and raised the soul-chasing sword in his hand.

"Self-made swordsmanship? What self-made swordsmanship, even the three-legged cat's swordsmanship wants to defeat me!" Dugu Yun sneered, and rushed towards Nangong Yao.

For Dugu Yun who underestimated her, Nangong Yao sneered, people who underestimated their strength would often lose miserably.

"Hmph, you asked for this!" Nangong Yao gently waved the soul-chasing sword in her hand.

Dugu Yun looked at Nangong Yao's seemingly weak swordsmanship suspiciously, and even underestimated it. How could someone use such a weak swordsmanship when confronting the enemy.

"Ah!" Dugu Yun shouted loudly, rushed towards Nangong Yao, and intersected with her soul-chasing sword.

However, before attacking the target, he suddenly felt a strong suction sucking his sword away, "Ah!" Dugu Yun screamed, and his whole body followed Nangong Yao to pull back the soul-chasing sword, his whole body Everyone staggered forward.

Nangong Yao approached Dugu Yun's ear, and said softly, "This is the sword technique I created myself, Chaos Tai Chi, let you experience it! I, Nangong Yao, are amazing!"

"Ding!" Dugu Yun only heard the sound of the sword, and looked up at Nangong Yao twirling the soul-chasing sword in his hand, with a milky white light band on the tip of the sword.

Lan Jinling grabbed the tree, took a step forward, and looked at the Chaos Tai Chi that Nangong Yao used in astonishment. This power was stronger than anything he had ever seen before, and it was full of powerful power. This is Chaos Tai Chi?The higher Nangong Yao's cultivation level was, the stronger her sword skills would be, enough to destroy the world.

"This... How is this possible!" The stimulated Dugu Yun looked up at Nangong Yao in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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