Chapter 854
The seedlings selected by the Nangong family in the first place are all the best, and they are all the best in talent. Later, with the addition of all kinds of good panacea given to them by Nangong Yao, the breakthrough will be even faster.

Everyone broke through one after another and walked out of the retreat room.

Yuan Cheng, Hai Jun, and Zhan Yun had the highest talents, so they also left the retreat room one after another.

Before that, she had been practicing alone in closed doors, so she never knew when Nangong Yao would first come out.

Each of them broke through to the peak of the Earth Master, and they all came out.

"Hey, Nangong Yao, you are really fast, you came out so quickly!"

"That's right, Junior Sister, it only took you eight months to break through!"

"I also used it for a year!"

"It's been almost a year for me, and after that, I will be a solid cultivation base of the earth master, and then break through to the peak of the earth master as soon as possible!"

"Yeah, in this retreat room, it's really strange, I feel like I'm cultivating very fast!"

"Yeah, I went up immediately!"


Nangong Yao looked at Yuan Cheng and the others in her room, talking about retreating one by one.

"I heard that there is an existence against the sky in that place. Only people on the first plane can go in and practice, and make them become masters in the shortest time!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly and said, "So let's say , Not any family can be the number one family! This can be regarded as a trump card of the four major families!"

"Junior sister, why did you come out so early?" Yuan Cheng nodded slightly, and asked Nangong Yao with concern. With her talent, if she wanted to break through to the peak of the Earth Master, it would definitely be very fast, and it would only take a couple of days at most. month's time.

"Yeah, I think you can break through to the peak of the earth master in less than ten months, why don't you continue to practice?" Zhan Yun also said with concern.

Nangong Yao gave Zhan Yun a blank look, and said, "I have a little ancestor, don't I?"

"Little ancestor?" Everyone looked at Nangong Yao suspiciously, as if they had thought of something, they could only smile awkwardly, it was indeed a little ancestor.

"Little boy, I look pretty good. Even if you are practicing, you should be fine?" Zhan Yun thought for a while and asked Nangong Yao.

"Good? If he's good, I'll be the first to cut off his head and let you kick him!" Hai Jun exaggeratedly said to Zhan Yun.

Zhan Yun immediately blushed, is this necessary?Is it really not good?
"Hey, anyway, I don't care, even if your cultivation base is higher than mine, who can break my formation, if you can break my formation, I will go to retreat immediately!" Nangong Yao was immediately proud Said.

"Hey, I'll forget about this formation!" Zhan Yun hurriedly raised his hands and surrendered. He had tasted the power of this formation, so it's better not to.

"Junior Sister, I heard that you are going to have a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, is it true or not?" Yuan Cheng had heard a little about Nangong Yao's martial arts competition to recruit relatives before, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

He has met Yuan Hao before, and knows how jealous he is. If Nangong Yao engages in this martial arts competition to recruit relatives, he will probably be in trouble.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly and said, "Yes, of course it's true, why should I lie to you!"

"But, if that Yuan Hao of yours finds out, isn't he going to kill someone?" Yuan Cheng immediately asked Nangong Yao anxiously.

"Don't worry, the most he can do is to beat the winner to death!" Nangong Yao said with a smile and waved his hand indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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