Chapter 858
Nangong Yao's martial arts contest to recruit relatives is about to begin, and all the young disciples of a large group gathered around the Nangong family.

In order to see what kind of person he is, Nangong Yao and Liu Feng went out for a stroll, and took a look first.

In the teahouse, a large group of young men dressed in silk and satin gathered.

"Nangong, it seems that the people here are all participating in the competition!" Liufeng looked up at the second floor and said with a smile.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly and said, "In that case, let's go in and have a look!"

"Anyway, listen to you!" Liu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "You risk your life to accompany the gentleman!"

Nangong Yao smiled and opened the fan in her hand, and walked into the teahouse.

"Two guest officers, please come inside!" Xiaoer hurriedly walked in front of Nangong Yao and the others, and said respectfully.

When the two entered the teahouse, a group of people turned their attention to Nangong Yao.

This period is a sensitive period, so I don't want to have one more competitor of my own.

Nangong Yao nodded slightly towards those who were looking at her, and went up to the second floor with the fan in her hand.

"Is this also the person who participated in the competition?"

"Hmph, it's just a geologist, there's no pressure at all!"

"Not necessarily. According to my first-hand information, the competition set up by the Nangong family to recruit relatives is divided into two competitions!"

"Two games? What two games?"

"Yes, tell me!"


Nangong Yao and Liu Feng sat on the empty seats, and they looked at the group of people chatting.

"Everyone has read in the announcement that Nangong Yao is a formation master, right?" the young man said proudly.

"Of course I saw it, why? Does it matter?"

Everyone was extremely puzzled and asked.

"It's just to make us all believe that Nangong Yao is a formation master, so this time there will be a primary election, and that is to let everyone break the formation!"


"Break out?"

"I heard that the formation is very dangerous. It's a hidden mechanism. It's a narrow escape if you go in!"

"Yes, yes! Then are we going to die?"

"Do you think the Nangong family deliberately arranged this contest to recruit relatives and wanted to kill us?"

"Well, very likely!"


Listening to what they said, Nangong Yao shook her head helplessly, they were really whimsical.

"Hmph, I think you people don't know what formation is?" Nangong Yao said with contempt that they would never allow them to insult the Nangong family.

"Hey, brother, what do you mean by this sentence!" Hearing Nangong Yao's words, the group of people around turned their heads and said easily.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly and said, "You don't know how to play, so why do you say that the Nangong family wants to kill you?"

"Do you understand?" One of the young men pointed at Nangong Yao angrily.

Nangong Yao stood up and said with her hands behind her back, "Of course, although I don't know how to do it, I have read books on formations and know that formations are divided into categories!"

"What category?" Several curious people asked Nangong Yao.

"Formation, there are killing formations, trapping formations, and phantom formations, as well as spirit-gathering formations and teleportation formations. These five types, all of you are wearing silk and satin, and you should all be people with status and families, don't you? Don't you even understand these?" Nangong Yao looked at them coldly.

"This..." Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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