Chapter 860
With the arrival of the competition, more and more people gathered in the grove outside the Nangong family. Lose the face of their big family!
The people from the Nangong family are the protagonists, and Nangong Yao is the protagonist. Nangong Wenbin and the others have already arrived at the grove, only Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai have not yet come.

The members of the Nangong family looked at the people participating in the competition in the grove, and they were secretly astonished. They did not expect so many people to participate.

"Nangong Yao, it must belong to this young master!"

"Hmph, I think it's more like this young master! Such an intelligent woman, of course, can only be worthy of this young master!"

"Really? Only this young master is qualified to marry Miss Nangong!"

"Miss Nangong is also something you people can get your hands on. Even the illegitimate children are here to compete with the sun and the moon?"

"It doesn't look like much to me, what a group of whimsical people!"


There are those with high status, and of course there are those with low status. They all want to meet Nangong Yao, or even look forward to seeing Nangong Yao, a stunning beauty.

If you can marry Nangong Yao, even if you don't return to your own family, it is an honor to join the Nangong family.

"Why hasn't Nangong Yao come out yet!"

"Yes, Miss Nangong is really too slow!"

"The shelf is so big, let so many of us stand here and wait!"

"Hey, she is the protagonist and a beautiful woman, so it's only natural for us to wait!"

"It's not time yet, Miss Nangong should be here soon!"


Everyone craned their necks to look at the rostrum, when did Nangong Yao come out.

While everyone was anxiously waiting, there was a cry in the sky.

After hearing the call, everyone looked up at the blue sky and saw a big golden eagle flying towards the Nangong family.

"what is this?"

"Looks like a golden eagle!"

"It's the Sun Chaser!"

"There's someone up there!"

Watching the big eagle flying over in the sky, I can clearly see a beautiful figure and a small person on it.

That's right, it was Nangong Yao and Xiaoguai, standing on the backs of Chasing Sun Eagle.

"Yao'er is here!"

"Nangong Yao is here!"

Everyone looked at the sky expectantly, hoping to see Nangong Yao's face clearly.

Nangong Yao held Xiaoguai's little hand, jumped off the Sun Chaser Eagle's back, and landed on the rostrum.

Nangong Yao fell with her back to everyone, but it also made more people stretch their necks, looking at the rostrum, expecting Nangong Yao to turn their heads quickly.

Xiaoguai looked up at Nangong Yao, then let go of her hands and ran to Nangong Wenbin to sit on his lap.

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, and handed Xiaoguai to Nangong Wenbin, and then it was time for her to appear on the stage.

Under the expectant eyes of the crowd, Nangong Yao turned around slightly, revealing her true face, just as if she had come out after a thousand calls, still holding her pipa half-hidden.

"Wow!" The moment everyone saw Nangong Yao's stunning appearance, the entire grove burst into commotion.

"What a nice view!"

"It's simply stunning! It's so beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful, I've never seen such a beautiful woman before!"

"This Nangong Yao is really as stunning as the rumors say, if I can marry such a wife, it would be great!"

"Hey, Nangong Yao, so beautiful, if I can meet the conditions to participate, even if I die!"

(End of this chapter)

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