Chapter 874
A ray of light rushed towards the barrier of the formation.

"Boom!", the entire barrier was shattered.

Everyone watched in astonishment what happened before them.

Immediately afterwards, there was another bombing sound, and a bright light shone on the entire arena, causing everyone to cover their eyes with their hands.

"What the hell happened?"

"What's going on? What's going on? Who is it?"

"What a powerful force, who is this?"


Everyone was extremely curious and astonished, looking forward to what was going on and who the figure that appeared was.

Nangong Yao hugged Xiaoguai, turned around to prevent the light from irritating Xiaoguai's eyes.

Xiaoguai lay in Nangong Yao's arms, closed her eyes, and complained softly, "Little boy can hardly open his eyes!"

The light gradually dissipated, and everyone could bear the light, slowly opened their eyes, and looked towards the ring.

Everyone looked in astonishment at the addition of a stranger on the ring, and he was a handsome young man, while everyone who was originally on the ring fell to the ground one by one, unable to stand up again, the only one standing There is only Liufeng alone.

Who is he?

Lan Jinling and the others stood up in astonishment, and shouted, "Yuan Hao?"

Nangong Yao turned her head to look at the figure on the ring, looked at Yuan Hao's familiar figure, and saw him, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone in the Nangong family looked at Yuan Hao curiously.

Seeing Yuan Hao, Xiaoguai excitedly waved her little hand and called, "Daddy, Daddy..."

"Daddy?" Hearing Xiaoguai's call, everyone was shocked. Could it be that he is Xiaoguai's father?
Nangong Yao walked forward with a smile, looking at Yuan Hao on the ring.

Yuan Hao turned his head to Nangongyao and smiled slightly, then turned his head to look at Liufeng, folded his hands on his chest, and said dissatisfiedly, "Madman, you are too cunning to come down when I am not around, and make such a face , Do you think I have forgotten your appearance?"

"Mice, aren't you the same? You can, can't I? Really, I just want to play with Yao'er again!"

Nangong Yao covered her mouth and looked at Liu Feng opposite Yuan Hao, she didn't expect him to be Liu Qingfeng, why couldn't she think of it?
Wind!Breeze!When I saw Liu Feng again, I had a familiar feeling, why, I couldn't think of it at all?

If it wasn't for Yuan Hao's appearance, maybe I never knew that Liufeng was Liuqingfeng!What this guy hides is really deep!
Liu Qingfeng spread his hands, and continued, "Mice, but you should have come down after you knew I was down! You really don't know much about the news!"

"Hmph! A lunatic is a lunatic, looking for death, right? Today I will fight you, and the winner will go back!" Yuan Hao waved his hands angrily, and said to Liu Qingfeng.

Liu Qingfeng smiled, and said to Yuan Hao, "Mouse, why are you so angry? You can stay if you want! Anyway, I won't say anything! Yaoer won't say anything! "

"Hmph!" Yuan Hao snorted coldly, he would have come down earlier if he knew it, but he didn't expect that this lunatic would take the opportunity to enter.

Nangong Yao excitedly ran off the rostrum and rushed towards Yuan Hao, "Hao, Qingfeng!"

Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng turned their heads and smiled when they saw Nangong Yao running towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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