Chapter 884
Yuan Hao put his arms around Nangong Yao's shoulders, turned to Nangong Junhua and the others and said, "Fix the mess here! You dare to do this kind of thing without telling me, see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

"Didn't I say that it was the bad guy Liu Qingfeng?" Nangong Yao innocently looked up at Yuan Hao.

Liu Qingfeng, who was named, was even more depressed. He was shot while lying down.

"If you don't agree, how could such a thing happen! Huh?" Yuan Hao stared at Nangong Yao questioningly, "Don't put aside the responsibility for me, you will have no responsibility at all, I think the world is really going to collapse, He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and you are one too!"

Nangong Yao, who was being talked about, lowered her head, shrank her neck, stuck out her tongue, with a mischievous look on her face.

"Come on, let's go in and talk, I haven't seen you for a long time, let me take a good look at you!" Yuan Hao smiled and said softly.

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded immediately, and wanted to change the subject quickly, "Uncle, Grandpa, then I will leave the matter here to you, I will take Hao to my small courtyard first!"

Seeing Yuan Hao dragging Nangong Yao away, Xiaoguai immediately yelled, "Ah, bad daddy, return mother to Xiaoguai!"

"Damn rat, you snatched Yao'er away as soon as you came here! Are you trying to show off in front of me? Damn, bastard, stop for me, damn rat!" Liu Qingfeng also glared at Yuan Hao angrily, and hurriedly tugged at Yuan Hao. Xiaoguai followed Yuan Hao's footsteps.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." Seeing those figures disappear in front of their eyes, everyone was immediately embarrassed. Who the hell is this?

Nangonghe asked Lan Jinling and the others curiously, and they were the only ones who knew who these people were, "Lan Jinling, do you know who these two people are?"

"I've seen it a few times, but I only know that Yuan Hao is a master of refining equipment, and Liu Qingfeng is a master of alchemy. I don't know exactly how strong their abilities are. I only know that Yao'er's equipment refining and alchemy I learned it all from them!" Lan Jinling thought to himself and explained.

In fact, he didn't know much about the situation of Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng.

"We met them when we were on the first plane, and we don't know what their real cultivation is, but they are very powerful, and they don't even pay attention to the masters at the peak of Xuanzun!" Yuan Cheng recalled that Liu Qingfeng dealt with him at that time. The masters of the Yuan family said with admiration.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about their matters first, Junhua, you deal with the situation here first!" Nangong Wenbin quickly ordered to Nangong Junhua.

"Yes, father!" Nangong Junhua nodded slightly and said.

Nangong Lei pulled Nangong Wenbin's clothes and asked, "Grandpa, shall we go see Yao'er?"

"Now? Let's wait a bit!" Nangong Wenbin waved his hand and said, in fact, I still have many questions in my heart, why can't I feel the true cultivation of these two people?
Logically speaking, according to my current cultivation base, it is impossible not to notice their cultivation base.

Originally, Nangong Yao promised them that as long as they break through the illusion array she set up and enter the semi-finals, they will have five elixirs.

I don't know who suddenly asked Nangong Junhua.

"Patriarch Nangong, before, Miss Nangong promised to give five elixirs to each person who cracked her illusion formation. I wonder if this reward will still be fulfilled?"

(End of this chapter)

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