Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 895 The Legendary Trash 4

Chapter 895 The Legendary Trash 4
Now, they all feel that what they are holding is a hot potato.

My God, don't bring such a scary one!These panaceas are equal to those of the people who just sent them out!

"These are all gifts from me for meeting you. In the future, when I refine the panacea here, I will definitely give it to you again!" Nangong Yao smiled and said generously.

"This...Miss Nangong, this is really too precious, how can we accept it!" Wei Hua quickly reached out and handed back the pill bottle, but still felt a little bit reluctant in his heart.

"Take it at ease, since it is given to you, I will give it to you, I only hope that you can treat the Tenglong Legion with all your heart!"

"Tenglong Legion?" Even Yuan Hao and the others were curious.

"Tenglong means a soaring dragon. We are dragons, not dragons who sleep on their stomachs, but dragons who soar and roam the world!" Nangong Yao explained arrogantly.

"Take off? Dragon?" Listening to Nangong Yao's words, everyone's blood burst into excitement.

Yuan Hao stood up, laughed and clapped his hands and said, "Yes, Yao'er, your Tenglong Legion is good, I like it, Yao'er, if you need my help, just say it!"

"Then, you can also give me a little gift!" Nangong Yao said with a smile.

"There is a meeting gift. I have a few weapons that are discarded by the people below. This time I brought them here for you!" Yuan Hao said with a smile.

"Abandoned? Don't want it?" This made Ling Ya and the others very upset. This is all unnecessary, so why give them.

Why does it sound like throwing rubbish to them? Although they are all illegitimate children of the family, after hearing Nangong Yao's words, their blood boiled even more. Now listening to Yuan Hao's words, they immediately became unhappy.

"Really? That's great!" Nangong Yao said happily, "Hurry up and take a look, take out as many as you can!"

"Hey, hello!" Qin Yuejun and the others really wanted to call Nangong Yao, but they couldn't. There was no way, who made their status so different!Moreover, Nangong Yao also gave them the panacea before!

Nangong Yao is so happy to give them the discarded weapon?It's not necessary, is it?No matter how poor you are, you can't look down on them like this, right?

"There are at least a hundred pieces! Choose yourselves slowly!" Yuan Hao knew that in this respect, artifacts are not bad, and they are all high-end artifacts.

"Crash!" All the weapons fell to the ground, but everyone's eyes widened and their mouths widened, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

Yuan Hao said very aggrieved, "Oh, you know, I can't refine this kind of thing at all, and the weakest and weakest are also top-level super artifacts. I lost a lot of face for you. ah!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Nangong Yao rolled a blank look at Yuan Hao, this is not just a matter of one sentence, casually saying that she wants some artifacts is not something that can be easily grasped.

"This... is this an abandoned weapon?"

"Is this a weapon they don't want?"

"Oh my God!"

"No, I'm going to faint!"


They didn't expect that these discarded weapons were all divine weapons. No wonder Nangong Yao was so happy.

However, in their eyes, these are all discarded weapons, so what are the weapons they were injured by!rubbish?

I really have the urge to vomit blood and hit the wall, people are more angry than others, it is really too annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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