Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 904 Finding the source of spiritual grass 3

Chapter 904 Finding the source of spiritual grass 3
"Mother, where am I going?" Xiaoguai looked at Nangong Yao arranging her clothes in doubt, and asked curiously.

Nangong Yao smiled, and asked Xiao Guai, "Mother is going to a place to find a kind of spiritual herb! Are you going with Mother, or staying here?"

"Of course we go together, Xiaoguai don't want to be separated from Mother!" Xiaoguai immediately said proudly, "Mother, you can't leave Xiaoguai, or else...or Xiaoguai will run away from home!"

"Just your skin!" Nangong Yao smiled, pinched the tip of Xiaoguai's nose fondly, and said, "Didn't you see that mother helped you tidy up your clothes? Really, grandpa and the others really did it for you. How can I wear so many clothes!"

"Hey hey! Azu and the others love Xiaoguai!" Xiaoguai immediately grinned proudly and said, "Isn't it the same for mother!"

"Okay, let's go!" Nangong Yao shook her head helplessly, and stuffed all the clothes into Xiaoguai's Void Ring, "Take it with you, these are your own clothes!"

"Oh!" Xiaoguai nodded obediently, took Nangong Yao's hand, and asked, "Mother, where is Daddy? Will Daddy go with us?"

"Your missing father and bad uncle haven't come back yet, and I don't know where to go to fight!" Nangong Yao said helplessly, "Leave them alone! Mom, just be good!"

"Really? Mother only wants Xiaoguai? That's great!" Xiaoguai jumped happily when she heard this.

Nangong Yao stroked Xiaoguai's head, and walked out of the room with Xiaoguai.

Hearing that Nangong Yao was going out, Nangong and they immediately gathered at the gate of Nangong Yao's courtyard.

"Why are you all here?" Nangong Yao looked at Nangong and them suspiciously, including Lan Jinling and the others, Dugu Yun and the others.

"Yao'er, I heard you're going to the Beiming family?" Lan Jinling asked Nangong Yao worriedly.

"Well, I'm going to find a spiritual herb!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly and said.

"Yao'er, you and the Beiming family have already made enemies before, if you go to the family's sphere of influence over there, it may be very dangerous!" Nan Gongxian said with concern.

Nangong Fei asked Nangong Yao again with concern, "Yes, Yao'er, do you really have to go?"

"Well, I have to go, I'm here to save my life, not to play!" Nangong Yao nodded firmly and said.

"In that case, Yao'er, I'll go with you!" Lan Jinling said immediately.

Yuan Cheng also said worriedly, "Junior Sister, if you really want to go, bring us with you!"

"Miss Nangong, my family is with the Beiming family, if I go with you too!" Xu Xiang also said with concern.

"You all said to go, it's really troublesome!" Nangong Yao said helplessly, "We are not going to play, this is a very dangerous thing! Let me make it clear to you first, I have turned against the Beiming family It's gone! If you really meet someone from the Beiming family, I'm afraid there will only be danger!"

"Yao'er, no matter where you go, Brother Ling will always be by your side!" Lan Jinling walked to Nangong Yao's side, put her shoulders and said, "Yao'er, let me go with you!"

Nangong Yao glanced at Lan Jinling, sighed, and said, "Xu Xiang, you belong to the Beiming family, you go with me, is there anyone else..."

"Yao'er, I'm going too!"

"Miss Nangong!"

"Junior Sister!"


(End of this chapter)

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