Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 915 Entering Beiming Ice City 1

Chapter 915 Entering Beiming Ice City 1
"Hmph! What's it called!" Xiaoguai crossed her arms dissatisfied, with a cool look on her face, "Isn't this coming? You have such big legs, of course you can walk faster than Xiaoguai. Take a step, Xiaoguai has to walk two or three steps! You don't even understand Xiaoguai's suffering! Oh, really, why hasn't Xiaoguai grown up yet!"

"Eh..." Nangong Yao and the others looked at Xiao Guai depressedly, and shook their heads helplessly.

The Beiming family also sent heavy troops in this ice city.

Nangong Yao and others landed the aircraft when they came outside the ice city.

"Ahead is the ice city of the Beiming family. When we get inside, we can't just use the aircraft to fly like this. Let's go down and walk in first, so we can see more beautiful scenery by the way!" Xu Xiang said with a smile.

Beimingjun complained angrily to his father, Beimingjia, "Father, you must avenge me!"

"Hey, it seems that the Nangong family must be right with our Beiming family!" Beimingjia said with a sneer, "This time, the Nangong family has declared their Nangong family's strength through Nangong Yao!"

Now they have confirmed Nangong Yao's talent, it is indeed true!This is obvious to all, and now Nangong Yao has become an important figure in the Nangong family.

If Nangong Yao is allowed to continue like this, I am afraid that their Beiming family will have no place to stand.

They don't know how far Nangong Yao's alchemy technology has reached, and they don't even know about her crafting skills, but only the ability of formation is not so strong.

If Nangong Yao taught the members of the Nangong family to learn formations, wouldn't the Nangong family have many formation masters?

This is not good for their Beiming family or other families.

But I just don't know if Nangong Yao will teach the people of the Nangong family, whether to teach them or not, I don't know, this must not let the Nangong family continue to develop like this, otherwise, their Beiming family will never see the sky.

"Father, we should unite with other families to deal with the Nangong family!" Bei Mingjun suggested to Bei Mingjia viciously.

Bei Mingjia nodded slightly, thinking to himself, "It should be like this, but which family should we cooperate with? The Dongfang family? Or the Ximen family?"

"Ximen family!" Bei Mingjun immediately said firmly, "Only the Ximen family can join us in dealing with the Nangong family!"

"Why the Ximen family? Isn't it possible for the Dongfang family? With the ability of the Dongfang family, together with our Beiming family, we can deal with the Nangong family!" Beimingjia asked Beimingjun in doubt.

Bei Mingjun snorted coldly and said, "Because Ximen Hong was also humiliated by the Nangong family! If we contact Ximen Hong and ask him to join us in dealing with the Nangong family, we will definitely be willing!"

"Ximen Hong!" Bei Mingjia secretly read Ximen Hong's name, "Okay, let's go to the Ximen family. This Dongfang family has always called itself a gentleman, and I'm afraid they won't agree to deal with the Nangong family with us! Hmph, If you don't deal with it, you won't deal with it, but as long as you don't help the Nangong family!"

"This matter still needs to be taken care of with the Dongfang family. If they are willing to join us to deal with the Nangong family, we will join forces, but if they don't want to, then forget it! But we have to weigh the pros and cons, so that the Dongfang family can't help the Nangong family! "Bei Mingjun said very displeased with Dongfang Yi's behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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