Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 922 Entering Beiming Ice City 8

Chapter 922 Entering Beiming Ice City 8
"Brother Beiming, I have already found out that Nangong Yao and the others have indeed left the Nangong family, and they are still in your Beiming family's sphere of influence!"

Since standing on the united front with Bei Mingjun and wanting to deal with the Nangong family, Ximen Hong also investigated where Nangong Yao had gone.

What surprised Ximen Hong the most was that he didn't expect Nangong Yao to go to a place within the sphere of influence of the Beiming family, and he went there after falling out with Lord Beiming.

This is a fun thing!
Lord Beiming snorted coldly and said, "Unexpectedly, Nangong Yao would seek her own death and come to my Beiming family's territory!"

"However, Brother Beiming, are you sure you have the ability to deal with Nangong Yao?" Ximen Hong smiled and asked Beiming Jun.

Lord Beiming raised his head arrogantly, and said, "Could it be that Nangong Yao can fight against our Beiming family?"

"Then why don't you know that Nangong Yao has gone to your Beiming family's sphere of influence?" Ximen Hong said with a smile.

Lord Beiming laughed, then turned to ask Ximen Hong, "Then do you know what is the purpose of Nangong Yao coming to our Beiming family's sphere of influence?"

"This..." Ximen Hong hesitated for a moment, and shook his head secretly in his heart. He didn't investigate this matter at all.

Bei Mingjun suddenly laughed triumphantly, "Hahaha, you don't know this, but I do!"

"You know? Then what is her purpose?" Ximen Hong was taken aback and asked Bei Mingjun.

"They are looking for the original spirit grass!"

Ximen Hong was taken aback, and immediately asked Bei Mingjun suspiciously, "Original spirit grass? What is this?"

Bei Mingjun smiled proudly, and said, "You don't know about this, only the patriarch and the young patriarch can know this, and even the elders don't know about it!"

"What?" Ximen Hong suddenly exclaimed in astonishment.

He didn't even know, but why did Nangong Yao know, and why did she go to the Beiming family for this?

Ximen Hong sensed that something was wrong, and asked suspiciously, "But, since only the patriarch and young patriarch of your family know, why would Nangong Yao know?"

"I don't know about that. This is a kind of spiritual grass that has been passed down from ancient times. Generally, only the patriarch and young patriarch of our family know about it. Even your family doesn't know it at all!" , stood up and said, "But, I don't know, how did Nangong Yao know the original spirit grass, what is the use of this original spirit grass if he wants it!"

"Then do you know the usefulness of the original spirit grass?" Ximen Hong lowered his head in thought, touched his chin with his hand, and asked Bei Mingjun.

Bei Mingjun shook his head slightly, and said, "That's not clear, and there is no record in the family book. After knowing Nangong Yao's purpose, I immediately went to investigate, but I still couldn't find out!"

"How did this happen?" Ximen Hong asked Bei Mingjun in astonishment, "What about the elders of your family? They don't even know?"

"Yes!" Bei Mingjun nodded slightly, and said, "I also asked my ancestors, and the oldest member of the family didn't know about it!"

Ximen Hong was slightly startled, he didn't expect that this source of spiritual grass was so long ago, no one even knew him, "No way, it seems that this source of spiritual grass has existed for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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