Chapter 933
Wuhen, who was released, was very excited, and was ordered to go to the Beiming family to play.

In the hands of an unscrupulous master like myself, there are very few such good things that can be done.

Wuhen's figure quickly ran around the Beiming family.

"Hey, since we're here, it would be too bad if we didn't look at the beauties. I don't know if there are any beauties in the Beiming family! Yes, let's look for beauties first. At this time, there must be beauties taking a bath. Hehehe..." Wuhen was already imagining the beautiful scene of a beautiful woman taking a bath in his mind.

Nangong Yao didn't know at all that Wuhen had made a big fuss in the Beiming family, and it was a big fuss, which drove the women in the whole Beiming family crazy.

"Ah! There are perverts!"

"Pervert, come quickly!"

"It's you, pervert!"

"Pervert, how dare you watch Miss Ben take a bath!"


Several women of the Beiming family were furious at those suspicious men one by one.

"Ah! Help!"

"I didn't watch it, I didn't watch it!"

"Ma'am, you read it wrong, the subordinate didn't read it!"

"Miss, please forgive me, this subordinate is just passing by here on patrol!"


Wuhen lay proudly on the ground, holding his belly and laughing loudly, "'s so fun, so fun! Make a fuss, make a fuss!"

Both Beimingjun and Ximenhong walked out of the room, watching the farce of the Beiming family, what happened?
"What's going on?" Ximen Hong asked Bei Mingjun suspiciously.

Bei Mingjun shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know, I'll go and see!"

Ximen Hong nodded, grabbed someone casually, and asked, "What happened?"

"Someone sneaked into the family secretly, peeking at the lady taking a bath, and now they are all looking for that pervert!"

"What?" Bei Mingjun exclaimed in astonishment, "Who didn't investigate clearly?"

"Young master, the subordinates are still investigating, but they just saw a white shadow, which disappeared immediately after that! I just saw that it was going that way, and we are chasing after it!"

"Hmph, you dare to make trouble in Beiming's family, I, Beimingjun, will never let you go!" Beimingjun snorted coldly, said angrily, raised his head to look at the direction his subordinate pointed, and quickly chased after him.

Ximen Hong thought to himself, who would dare to come to the Beiming family to watch women take a bath? This person is too powerful, you can go and see!
Therefore, Ximen Hong followed closely behind Bei Mingjun and chased after him.

Wuhen turned his head and looked at the figures of Bei Mingjun and the others behind him, and smiled secretly, "Do you want to catch up with the young master just because of it? Dreaming!"

"The thieves in front stop! How dare you do anything reckless in the Beiming family, you're courting death!" Beiming yelled at Wuhen angrily.

"If you want to chase the young master, then come!" Wuhen shuttled through the crowd excitedly, even if all the Beiming family chased him, he couldn't catch up.


"It turned out to be a monster!"

"What kind of monster is this, it's so fast!"

"It's such a small monster. If you catch up with him, you must investigate clearly what kind of monster it is!"

"Such a powerful monster, it must be a good thing to catch it!"


Bei Mingjun was even more surprised. He didn't expect that after such a long time, it turned out to be a monster.

Ximen Hong was secretly a little depressed, this was the culprit, which caused the Beiming family to fall into a panic, and it was ridiculous to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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